Project Related Event (legacy)

<p>Stories relating to a particular KMi project</p>

ERA Workshop at the Rewiring Inclusion Conference

Trevor Collins from KMI and Jessica Bartlett from the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences ran a workshop on inclusive fieldwork at the Rewiring Inclusion conference in Nottingham on Tuesday. The conference, organised by the UK’s Association of Learning Technology (ALT) and the Joint Information Systems Committee’s (JISC) TechDis service, sought to highlight the importance…

KMi iPhone apps and ERA go to Nicaragua

Paul Hogan from KMi will be heading off on Saturday for two weeks of fieldwork on a volcano in Nicaragua. Paul has developed several iPhone applications (as part of the iTunes U project) for use by the geophysicists and environmental scientists whilst on the volcano and he is going out to experience their use first hand. He…

KMi gets a gadget for Christmas

KMi consultant Tammo Freese has developed our first Google Wave ‘gadget’, a version of the virtual microscope due to be used with S276 in 2010. The prototype gadget allows wave participants to jointly rotate the slide image and position a marker on it, future work will involve the development of a ‘robot’ that can be…

MMIS at final PHAROS meeting

Barcelona, 9-11 Dec 2009. Half of KMi’s Multimedia and Information Systems group attended the final meeting of KMi’s audiovisual search engine project PHAROS, which is a large FP 6 integrated project in its last month. The meeting had a definite vibrant feel of achievements looking back at the three-year-long research and development of an industry…

KMi lecture at Utrecht Institute of Linguistics

The Institute of Linguistics of the University of Utrecht invited KMi member Fridolin Wild to give a guest lecture followed by a half-day tutorial about his work and recent advances on latent-semantic analysis (LSA). Besides being interesting as a technique for building programs that need to deal with semantics, LSA is also interesting as a…

Talis and KMi launch joint initiative on e-research

Talis Information Limited, a well established and innovative software company headquartered in Birmingham, is part funding a PhD studentship in KMi, which will focus on “Supporting the Exploration of Research Spaces”. Talis is a global leader in the research, development and application of Semantic Web technologies, and the UK market leader in providing academic and…

Seashore Networking with ERA

Do you need to stream video and audio over sea cliffs from remote coastlines around England? No problem now with the Enabling Remote Activity (ERA) system! The latest field trials, funded by JANET’s Rapid Innovation Grant and JISC’s Portable WLAN award have seen the ERA team exploring Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and live streaming…

Semantic Evaluation at Large Scale

The new EU-funded SEALS project had a very positive kick-off meeting in Madrid a few weeks ago, where representatives of the 10 consortium members gathered and started to work on creating a platform for the automatic evaluation of semantic-based technologies. The SEALS Platform will provide an integrated set of evaluation services and test suites which…

SUPER, its over! KMi contributed to yet another successful project.

SUPER’s final review took place on May 7 and 8 in Berlin and was a notable success. The reviewers’ immediate feedback was very positive and lauded the project’s achievements in which they saw significant advancement to the state of the art and high potential benefits in reusing SUPER’s results. This concerned in particular the ontologies…

KMi Contributes to a Successful First Year Review of the SOA4All Project

On the 2nd and 3rd of April the SOA4All project had a very successful first year review in Brussels. Service Oriented Architectures for All (SOA4All) is a Large-Scale Integrating Project funded by the European Seventh Framework Programme, aiming to realize a world where billions of parties are exposing and consuming services via advanced Web technology….