Peter Scott

Social Attitudes of Young People

A new report from the UK Government Cabinet Office sets out to explore the social attitudes of young people, with a KMi contribution on changes in technology and in particular social media and social networking. The report comes fresh from the Horizon Scanning Programme which has also recently analysed critical emerging technologies such as Big Data and…

Live Fresher’s Week Events, October 2014

This week saw KMi support two linked live and online "Fresher’s Week" events for the new October 2014 intake of Students. OU Student Assoication (OUSA) radio kicked off with a broadcast on Monday 29th September and then the University’s Student Hub Live ran over two days Wednesday and Thursday, of that same week. OUSA Radio was a…

The interactive webconference: Student Connections

KMi hosted the first Student Connections conference this week. The online event from The Open University’s Faculty of Social Sciences took place between 30 June 2014 – 4 July 2014 and presented a series of highly interactive webcasts to Open University students from all the Faculty. Hosting a week of live and "as live" events, from a multitude…

Congratulations, Professor Zdrahal

Zdenek Zdrahal, who has been a stalwart of the Open University since 1991, and member of KMi since it was created a few years later has been awarded his chair! Professor Zdrahal’s research applications have been of significant practical value in reaching out to our local community here in Milton Keynes and he has had a…

Towards a European Area of Skills and Qualifications

European learners and workers should be able to have their skills and qualifications understood and recognised, within and across national borders, by employers and by educational institutions. The tools that support this aim should be coherent, simple, and easy to use. The EASQ conference in Brussels on 17th June 2014 took as a starting point…

Computational Creativity and Image Aesthetics Research

KMi professor Stefan Rueger was invited to the First Annual Contact forum on Computational Creativity, 21-23 Feb 2014, to give a talk on his perspective on this area. Computational Creativity studies how to get software to behave in such a way that a human would consider the output to be a creative work. This encompasses…

Get the free e-Book: Advances in Technology Enhanced Learning

Jumping straight into the top-ten ‘computing and internet’ free resources on Apple’s book store comes KMi’s e-Book for iPads on ‘Advances in Technology Enhanced Learning’. Produced by Peter Scott, Paul Lefrere, and Fridolin Wild this free book highlights the most recent breakthroughs in research on learning with technology, from the background of two networks of excellence, eight…

Digital Agenda Assembly 2013

KMi Director, Professor Peter Scott joined he EU Digital Agenda Assembly 2013 this week in Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland. The event is a meeting of EU policy makers and stakeholders aiming to review plans for the Digital Agenda for Europe – to assess the progress and challenges in implementation of the plan and seek ways to improve its…

ESWC 2013

The ESWC 2013 conference, themed on "Semantics and Big Data",  took place on May 26-30 in Montpellier, France, with important contributions from KMi. Professor Enrico Motta was invited as a keynote speaker and he opened the conference with a reflection of what being semantic really means. He presented Rexplore as an example of a KMi application…

Keynote: Learning in a Post Personal Computer World

Today, I had the pleasure of presenting a keynote opening talk for the eMadrid event running, you would not be surprised to learn, in Madrid, Spain as a guest of Caros III University. This event is run annually and is a coordination action to bring together the Universities of this huge city and have them…