Mark Gaved

Seashore Networking with ERA

Do you need to stream video and audio over sea cliffs from remote coastlines around England? No problem now with the Enabling Remote Activity (ERA) system! The latest field trials, funded by JANET’s Rapid Innovation Grant and JISC’s Portable WLAN award have seen the ERA team exploring Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and live streaming…

Tom gets married!

KMi friend and ex-student Tom Heath has got married! After many years Tom has tied the knot with Livs in Sheffield, and celebrated with a fine party in the Peak District. Michele Pasin and Mark Gaved were on hand to congratulate Tom on behalf of KMi and his many friends at the Open University. Congratulations,…

Exploring Urban Heat Islands with Personal Inquiry

70 Oakgrove School students have been out and about this spring, exploring environmental conditions in Northampton and Milton Keynes, with the support of the Personal Inquiry project (PI). As a major component of their GCSE coursework, counting towards their exam results, the Year 10 students walked across the two towns with their teachers and OU…

Personal Inquiry enables Oakgrove microclimates project

150 Year 8 students from Oakgrove School have successfully completed geography projects exploring microclimates around the school grounds with the help of Personal Inquiry (PI). Students have been investigating the different local climate conditions around the school, using Sciencescope sensors to measure conditions, and guided by an Activity Guide designed by the PI team. The…

ERA Takes Another Award

Members of the team behind the ERA Project were pleasantly surprised (to say the least) to have won the Special Needs Innovation category at the 2008 Handheld Learning awards at The Brewery, Barbican Centre, London last night. Photo shows, from left to right, famous TV mathematician and childrens’ entertainer Johnny Ball, Jessica & Mark from…

Vote for ERA!

The Enabling Remote Activity project has been shortlisted for an award at the Handheld Learning 2008 conference. ERA is a finalist in the ‘Special Needs – Innovation’ category for developing a system to support mobility impaired students participating in the OU ‘Ancient Mountains’ geology fieldwork course. You can help us win – the winner is…

You want me to climb up where with the antenna?!

The Enabling Remote Activity (ERA) project has just returned from two weeks in the Highlands of Scotland, successfully supporting two mobility impaired students on the SXR339 ‘Ancient Mountains’ geology summer school. KMi staff worked alongside course tutors to enable the students to participate in the summer school, giving them access to rock outcrops they would…

What makes an exciting geography investigation?

The Personal Inquiry project has just completed a very successful participatory design workshop with Oakgrove School, asking students to imagine what would make an exciting geography investigation. Fifteen students and their teachers met with Open University members of the Personal Inquiry project, and project partners David Crellin from Sciencescope and Henk van Aswegen from Milton…

Oakgrove School explores the environment with the help of the PI Project

Year 10 students at Oakgrove School, Milton Keynes, have just completed a successful environmental study with the help of the Personal Inquiry (PI) Project. As part of their geography coursework the students have undertaken a field study into the Urban Heat Island effect. This is the tendency of a metropolitan area to be warmer than…

KMi checks out cool hardware for PI research project

The thing about working at the forefront of technology is that you get your hands on all the really cool gadgets to see how they work and just how effective they can be if deployed in research projects. Currently working on the PI project, The University of Nottingham and the Open University are partners in…