John Domingue

Transforming Education with Artificial Intelligence

Ahead of interactive public events in Scotland exploring Artificial Intelligence (AI), Open University (OU) Professor of Computer Science John Domingue shares the latest developments in AI at the OU and beyond. Within the past decade or so Artificial Intelligence has come to the fore in higher education, with The Open University leading the way. Over…

Smart India: A Data Science Research Collaboration with Amity University

Last week saw four KMi researchers travel to Noida, near Delhi, for a week-long meeting with the senior team of Amity University. Amity University has around 175,00 students across 22 campuses in India and 13 more globally including in London, Dubai, New York, San Francisco, Amsterdam, South Africa and China.  This meeting followed a Memorandum…

Blockchains and Understanding the Post-truth Society

Early October saw the KMi Director participate in two panels in a Conference on Understanding the Post-truth Society held in Valletta, Malta. The aim of the event was to bring together technology experts, social scientists and journalists to discuss how recent challenges and issues associated with fake news, mass datafication, mass surveillance, censorship and the…

Maintaining Trust and Privacy of Personal Data with Blockchains

Following scandals in the media such as with Cambridge Analytica and Facebook there has been widespread concern around the abuse of personal online data. These include from Sir Tim Berners Lee who in a Variety article called the over centralisation of data on the Web ‘anti human’. At the annual EU Big Data Value Forum,…

Blockchains at the Pan Commonwealth Forum

The Pan Commonwealth Forum (PCF), held at Murrayfield Stadium the home of Scottish rugby, brought together over 500 attendees from 61 commonwealth countries including many ministers and university vice chancellors to discuss the future of learning. The overall aim of this year’s event was to discuss, debate and showcase how innovations are improving the quality…

Fifth STI International Summit held in Crete

The Fifth Summit for the STI International Summit, a bi-annual event, was held in Crete this week. Chaired by KMi’s Director John Domingue, the event brought together leading researchers from across the globe (including Stanford and the University of Southern California in the US and Wonkwang University in Korea) to discuss the research challenges associated…

Blockchain Travels

The last few weeks has seen the KMi Director travel to give Keynotes, participate in panels and project meetings all related to KMi’s blockchain work. At the end of April there the Blockchain Expo took place at the Olympia Grand in London with over 8,000. John Domingue gave a Keynote on applying blockchains to lifelong…

KMI Director awarded Fellowship of the British Blockchain Association

Earlier this week the KMi Director, John Domingue, was awarded a Fellowship of the British Blockchain Association. As stated on the British Blockchain Association website an award of the Fellowship is “recognition of exceptional achievement and contribution to Blockchain research and allied disciplines”. Additionally, recognition through a Fellowship demonstrates a “commitment to excellence, leadership, advancing…

KMi Director gives Royal Institution Lecture

Monday say KMi’s Director give a talk entitled “Blockchains: Hope or Hype?” at the Royal Institution sponsored by the French Embassy. The Royal Institution is an independent charity, founded in 1799, dedicated to connecting people with the world of science. The lecture was conducted in the famous Royal Institution theatre where some of the most…

Institute of Coding Launches from the House of Lords

A pleasant and warm evening saw the Institute of Coding (IoC) from the House of Lords. The event, hosted by Baroness McGregor-Smith CBE, was attended by over 200 supporters from the senior management of major technology companies such as Amazon, ARM, BT, Cisco, IBM, Oracle, Raspberry Pi, Telefonica, a wide range of companies including Barclays,…