Talis Information Limited, a well established and innovative software company headquartered in Birmingham, is part funding a PhD studentship in KMi, which will focus on Supporting the Exploration of Research Spaces.
Talis is a global leader in the research, development and application of Semantic Web technologies, and the UK market leader in providing academic and public library solutions.
A key hypothesis of the proposed project is that by integrating the data provided by traditional citation analysis tools and bibliographic servers together with the large amount of information now available on the Semantic Web and on Web 2.0 sites, it will become possible to provide users with much more sophisticated models of the dynamics of a research area.
The research will build on and be informed by a variety of technologies and approaches developed at Talis and KMi, including the Talis Platform, Talis Aspire, Watson (http://watson.kmi.open.ac.uk/), FLOR (http://flor.kmi.open.ac.uk/), and Hoonoh (http://hoonoh.com/).
Following a widely advertised recruitment drive, the studentship has been awarded to Ms Chwhynny Overbeeke, who formally started her PhD on October 1st. Chwhynny will be supervised by KMis Prof Enrico Motta and Dr Paul Mulholland, and by Talis Dr Tom Heath.
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