KMi Reporter

Congratulations Dr Lucas Anastasiou, on your PhD success

Many congratulations to Dr Lucas Anastasiou on the successful defence of his thesis entitled: “Computational Argumentation Approaches to Improve Sensemaking and Evidence-based Reasoning in Online Deliberation Systems. Under the supervision of Prof Anna De Liddo and Prof Petr Knoth, Lucas’s study explored how computational methods can advance the current state of online discussion. His investigation…

OU Analyse Team wins prestigious Education Dataset Prize

The OU Analyse team, which works to identify students at the university who may need extra support, has been awarded the prestigious Educational Dataset Prize by the Educational Data Mining Society for their remarkable work with the ‘OULAD’ dataset. OU Analyse is a system powered by machine learning methods for early identification of students at risk of failing….

The OU presents the output of the SPICE project at the Extended Intelligence for Cultural Engagement

Researchers from the Knowledge Media Institute participated in the Extended Intelligence for Cultural Engagement (ExICE) conference in Bologna, showcasing the outputs of the EU H2020 project SPICE "Social Cohesion, Participation, and Inclusion through Cultural Engagement". The team, led by PI Paul Mulholland, included Enrico Daga, Jason Carvalho, and Chukwudi Uwasomba.   SPICE is an EU H2020…

No corrections required for Agnese’s PhD Thesis!

Congratulations to Dr. Agnese Chiatti, who brilliantly defended her PhD Thesis, entitled "Visually Intelligent Agents – Improving Sensemaking in Service Robotics”. Agnese’s thesis, carried out under the supervision of Prof Enrico Motta and Dr Enrico Daga, tackled the problem of service robots operating in the real world, which need to interpret correctly the environment around…

KMi’s Robotics team deploys robot in real home environment

Earlier today, the Robotics team of KMi’s Intelligent Systems and Data Science group conducted experimental activities with the TIAGo robot in Northamptonshire. The robot was deployed for the first time in a real home environment, in the context of our research in the EU-funded GATEKEEPER project.   Specifically, our work focuses on developing robots that can…

Vice-Chancellor endorses the EAI Dashboard

The Vice-Chancellor has issued a video message to Associate Lecturers via internal channels to explain the importance of using the Early Alert Indicators Dashboard (EAID).  In his video message, Tim Blackman said: "We want to highlight to you the Early Alert Indicators Dashboard and, if you are not using it, ask you to use it"   Powered by Machine Learning methods, the…

KMi paper wins the 2022 SWSA Ten-Year Award

Congratulations to Hassan Saif, Yulan He and Harith Alani on winning the prestigious Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA) Ten-Year Award. The prize was announced at the opening ceremony of the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2022) on 25th October.  The Award recognizes the highest impact papers from the ISWC proceedings ten years prior. The decision is based…

KMi’s Social Data Scientists are featured in the Finnish Press

Congratulations to our Social Data Science Researchers whose work received wide coverage in the Finnish press this week and in an OU News story. The research, led by Gregoire Burel, Tracie Farrell, and Harith Alani, aimed to examine misinformation about COVID-19 online to improve the effectiveness of the response to the pandemic. The group’s work on HERoS…

Co-inform Combatting Misinformation Event before The 55th ICA Conference

Co-Inform, a European collaborative project with KMi as a key partner, had an event on the 29th-30th September to present the project’s tools and results, which were developed to foster critical thinking and digital literacy towards a better-informed society. These tools were designed and tested with policymakers, journalists, and citizens in 3 different EU countries….