Peter Whalley

Rocky the Robot takes to the Waves

KMi’s first ‘robot’ for Google Wave has started surfing. It isn’t very smart, and can’t do much as yet but still demonstrates the exciting potential of Google Wave to transform the online aspects of distance education. Rocky is designed to offer information about the microscope slides used in Earth Sciences courses such as S276, and…

From Maps to Microscopes

KMi researchers Chris Valentine and Dr Kevin Quick have discovered that the well known Google Maps software can also be used to develop microscopes. They have found that by adapting a technique developed by UCL’s mapping department it is possible to display and manipulate the large images used by the on-line microscopes recently developed at…

KMi gets a gadget for Christmas

KMi consultant Tammo Freese has developed our first Google Wave ‘gadget’, a version of the virtual microscope due to be used with S276 in 2010. The prototype gadget allows wave participants to jointly rotate the slide image and position a marker on it, future work will involve the development of a ‘robot’ that can be…

Virtual Microscope features in Darwin Exhibit

The Sedgwick museum in Cambridge has recently opened a new permanent exhibition entitled ‘Darwin the Geologist’ telling the story of the rock specimens that Darwin collected on the Beagle voyage and how he analysed and used them in his early scientific work. Alongside the original microscope used by Darwin the museum are using an adapted…

Mars rock hits KMi’s new Virtual Microscope

Images derived from a Martian meteorite have recently been added to the prototype virtual microscope developed by KMi researchers Jon Linney & Chris Valentine. This latest web-based version of a petrological microscope has been developed in collaborated with the departments of Earth and Environmental Sciences and LTS. The final course version is being developed by…

KMi controls the classroom

A parallel, object-orientated control language designed to introduce the ideas of control technology and robotics to the middle school classroom has just been released by KMi researchers Peter Whalley & Ben Hawkridge. The language and the graphic interface were designed to represent the notion of input-process-output that is central to basic robotics and control technology….

KMi controls the classroom

A parallel, object-orientated control language designed to introduce the ideas of control technology and robotics to the middle school classroom has just been released by KMi researchers Peter Whalley & Ben Hawkridge. The language and the graphic interface were designed to represent the notion of input-process-output that is central to basic robotics and control technology….

KMi’s FirstFlight Web Site Receives 80,000 Hits in one day!

December 17th was the centenary of the pioneering flight made by the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk and the firstflight web site received more than 11,000 visitors. The firstflight web site was developed in the early days of KMi as a test-bed for web based virtual science projects. One simulation was of the Wright Brothers&#39…