Event Participation/Organization

<p>Story relating to an event</p>

KMi at Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38)

KMi was represented at HICSS-38 by Mark Gaved, presenting a paper on his current PhD work in the minitrack &#39Online Communities and the Digital Economy&#39. HICSS covered a broad range of computer and information systems research, with 600 delegates over 5 days (January 02 – 06 2005). This year saw strong tracks in semantic web,…

MTN Gets an Airing at BETT 2005

Making The News, a schools research project which is using the KMi Rostra news system, got a significant public outing today at the annual Educational Technology show at Olympia in London. Sixth-form pupils from a Milton Keynes school used the news system to publish a number of multimedia stories live from the show. For over…

ACM Symposium – South Africa

This year&#39s ACM International Symposium for Information and Communication Technology, is being held in Cape Town, South Africa. The symposium hosts a series of invited workshops, and this year one of the topics is Disemmination of Information and Communication Technologies. So this is a good forum at which to present our EU funded Prolearn project…

First AKT Sponsored Workshop on Semantic Web Services

Yesterday saw 60 researchers from academia and industry come to KMi for the first AKT sponsored workshop on semantic web services. The purpose of the one day workshop was to bring together relevant members of the AKT project and the wider research community associated with semantic web services. Web services are reusable program components which…

KMi successful at ISWC 2004

This year&#39s International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2004) was another successful occasion marking presence of KMi in the Semantic Web research community – simultaneously on several different fronts. The conference took place in a wonderful city of peace – Hiroshima, Japan. It followed the last year&#39s success in Florida and was even bigger event with…

Our Man In Havana

KMi Chief Scientist Marc Eisenstadt presented a Keynote speech today at Teleduc04, the Third Latin American Symposium on Distance Education and Lifelong Learning, in Havana, Cuba — hot on the heels of an interview for Cuban TV. Eisenstadt&#39s speech, entitled “The Problems With E-Learning: What Works and What Fails” undertook a personal tour through the…

CIRN 2004: Sustainability and Community Technology

Mark Gaved, KMi PhD student, attended the Community Informatics Research Network conference, hosted in Monash University, Prato, Italy (Sept. 29 – Oct. 1). The theme of the conference was “sustainability” and 80 researchers discussed how this applied to the field of Community Informatics. &#39Sustainability&#39 has been identified as a key and controversial issue in community…

AoIR 5.0

Mark Gaved, KMi PhD student recently attended the Association of Internet Researchers conference, “Ubiquity?” hosted at the University of Sussex (18 – 22 September 2004). Approximately 350 attendees discussed mainly human centred aspects of internet research over 5 days in 9 parallel sessions and workshops. Sociological interest in the internet has developed rapidly in few…

Adaptive Hypermedia 2004, Eindhoven

The Adaptive Hypermedia 2004 conference ran in Eindhoven in the Netherlands this year (August 23-26, 2004). I was there because the conference had some dedicated Prolearn sessions this year, and hosted a meeting of the executive board. There were a number of very good papers “with a strong showing from the Irish” Trinity especially. My…

Mobile technologies for teachers

At the E2BN (East of England Broadband Network) conference, this week I did a fun workshop on Mobile Technologies for Teachers. The E2B folks run schools networking in this region of the country. And this was their annual conference. Last year I did a keynote for them, so this year (not wanting to bore them…