Martin Dzbor

Services supporting your research

Ever needed to find out where you could publish your latest work on social network analysis? Or have you ever wondered works of which researchers you may include in your PhD literature review on tagging? Or perhaps you want to know what are other research interests of Tim Berners-Lee’s community of practice? Answers to these…

Trailblazing a Semantic Interoperability Alliance

On 7th February 2005 KMi played a host to representatives from a number of leading institutions active in the area of Semantic Web research. This workshop was the first in what is hoped to become a series of regular meetings aiming to make a significant push towards “the second generation Web” (as Semantic Web is…

KMi successful at ISWC 2004

This year&#39s International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2004) was another successful occasion marking presence of KMi in the Semantic Web research community – simultaneously on several different fronts. The conference took place in a wonderful city of peace – Hiroshima, Japan. It followed the last year&#39s success in Florida and was even bigger event with…

Climate predictions for “The Day After Tomorrow”

On June 22, 2004, while Hollywood blockbuster “The Day After Tomorrow” is still in the cinemas, the project is launching a new experiment exploring some of the science behind the film. The new phase of the project aims to investigate how predictions made for rising carbon dioxide might change if the thermo-haline circulation in…

Schoolchildren Help Predict Climate

The Nuffield Foundation (one of the UK&#39s best known charitable trusts) has made a grant to widen the participation of school children in a project, where KMi is one of the partners. The grant from the Nuffield Foundation would complement the base funding from NERC and DTI, and it will fund the development of…

ECAI 2002 Double Bill for KMi

Two accepted research papers out of two submitted. This is the result of recent submissions by two KMi research students, Martin Dzbor and Dnyanesh Rajpathak, to the high-profile European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) taking place in July 2002 in France. The ECAI series is one of the most competitive, general AI-audience conferences, and is…