AoIR 5.0

Mark Gaved, KMi PhD student recently attended the Association of Internet Researchers conference, “Ubiquity?” hosted at the University of Sussex (18 – 22 September 2004). Approximately 350 attendees discussed mainly human centred aspects of internet research over 5 days in 9 parallel sessions and workshops.

Sociological interest in the internet has developed rapidly in few years, and the presentations at this year&#39s conference showed the breadth of current work. The title of the conference questioned how close we are to achieving &#39ubiquitous access&#39 to the internet and the ways this is affecting society. Mark&#39s paper summarised his current work investigating &#39grassroots initiated networked communities&#39 and was presented within the Social Networks and Online Communities thread.

Key note speakers included the legendary Ted Nelson (inventor of the expression &#39hypertext&#39) and Sara Kiesler, currently investigating Human-Robot communication.

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