
<p>Story relating to an award</p>

Enabling Remote Activities project wins OU Teaching Award

The Enabling Remote Activities (ERA) project was awarded an OU Teaching Award today at the opening ceremony of the Making Connections Conference. The ERA project is exploring how mobile technologies can be used to support remote fieldwork and involves collaboration between KMi, the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, and the Disabled Students Services office….

A Professorial Chair for John Domingue

Professor John Domingue who originally came to the OU to do his PhD, entered KMi when it was formed in �95. Now, as one of the leading academics in the world of the Semantic Web, Professor Domingue has been awarded this prestigious title after years of dedicated work in his field resulting in highly acclaimed…

PhD for Sylvie

Congratulations to Sylvie Truman for passing her PhD viva today. The title of her thesis is “A computer supported approach towards collaborative and creative musicality in the classroom: study and framework”. The overall aim of the research was to develop and test a collaborative approach to composition that did not require knowledge of the conventional…

Prof Enrico Motta delivers his Inaugural Lecture

Enrico Motta today presented his inaugural Professorial lecture "The Age of Semantics" in the Berrill Lecture Theatre, introduced by OU Vice-Chancellor Brenda Gourley. Professor Motta assessed the current status and promise of the Semantic Web and situated the developments in the context of fifty years of research in Artificial Intelligence (AI). In particular, a long-standing… Shortlisted for Semantic Web Challenge

The team within KMi were notified this week that the site has been shortlisted for the 2007 Semantic Web Challenge. The Challenge is an annual event organised in conjunction with the International Semantic Web Conference series, and each year recognises applications that demonstrate the best of the Semantic Web. A record 23 entries were…

KMi to shape internet choreography

Amidst stiff competition, a KMi bid has emerged as one of only 7 funded in an innovative AHRC-EPSRC-JISC eScience programme funded by the three agencies. In a 2 year project starting in Oct. 2007, KMi will work with choreographers at Univ. Bedfordshire and Leeds, and long-term partners Univ. Manchester, to break new ground in the…

Berners-Lee Awarded Order of Merit

Inventor of the World-Wide Web, and honorary graduate of KMi’s first Virtual Degree Ceremony in 2000, Sir Tim Berners-Lee has joined an elite group in receiving the Order of Merit from the Queen. The British academic invented the web’s address system and layout in Switzerland in 1991 and is now director of the World Wide…

Director and President

Today, 1st March 2007, KMi has a new Director, and the European Association for Technology Enhanced Learning has a new President. "It has been a busy day", explains Peter Scott, "and looks as if it is going to get busier". Peter was appointed by the Open University to take the Knowledge Media Institute into its…

Best Paper Award in Ontology Matching

KMi’s Marta Sabou, Mathieu D’Aquin and Enrico Motta have been awarded the best paper prize at the highly prestigious Ontology Matching Workshop (OM-2006), which was held in Athens, US and was co-located with the 5th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2006. The development of effective techniques for Ontology Matching is a very important research area…

Science Nominates ERA Project for OUTA

The Faculty of Science have chosen the ERA (Enabling Remote Activity) project as their nomination for the annual Open University Teaching Awards. Jessia Bartlett of Earth Sciences asked KMi members Lewis McCann and Chris Valentine, together with Phd student Mark Gaved, to lend technical expertise to the problem of involving disabled students in summer school…