Enrico Motta

Springer Nature and KMi launch a new phase of their collaboration

Following the signing of a new contract, which extends the collaboration between KMi and Springer Nature (SN) to December 2025, KMi researchers Enrico Motta, Francesco Osborne and Angelo Salatino spent two days at the SN campus in London. The purpose of the workshop was to gather all the relevant stakeholders from the various SN scientific…

AIDA Dashboard team wins Best In-use Paper Award at ISWC 2022

Members of KMi’s Scholarly Knowledge Modelling Research Group have been announced as winners of the In-Use Paper Award at the International Semantic Web Conference, which is the premiere scientific venue for the Semantic Web and Knowledge Graphs community. The award was given for the paper entitled Leveraging Knowledge Graph Technologies to Assess Journals and Conferences…

KMi’s Agnese Chiatti wins prestigious L’Oréal-UNESCO Award for Women in Science

At a ceremony held this morning in Milan, Agnese Chiatti has received the “L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science” prize, in recognition of the excellence of her research in Robotics. This award, which was established in October 2002 by L’Oréal Italia, in collaboration with the Italian National Commission for UNESCO, provides six scholarships of €20,000 each…

Meet HanS, the Health and Safety Robot Inspector

The Intelligent Systems and Data Science (ISDS) robotics team has developed HanS, a Health and Safety Robot Inspector. HanS is an experiment in service robotics and has been designed to be able to patrol KMi to try and identify possible violations to Health and Safety rules. For instance, typical rules check that all fire extinguishers are in…

The Semantic Web Community Celebrates its 20th Birthday

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the ‘official’ birth of the Semantic Web community, as 2001 saw both the publication of the landmark paper on the Semantic Web by Tim Berners-Lee, Jim Hendler, and Ora Lassila, as well as the staging of the 1St Semantic Web Symposium (the precursor to the International Semantic Web…

Springer Nature and KMi extend their strategic collaboration until March 2022

KMi’s Scholarly Knowledge Modelling team (SKM) and Springer Nature have formally agreed to extend their strategic collaboration agreement until March 2022. The new contract defines the latest chapter in a highly successful strategic partnership, which started back in 2014 and has since gone from strength to strength. During these years the SKM team has established…

Nikos Story: Developing KMi PhD Research into a Commercial Product

Nikolaos (“Nikos”) Nanas completed his PhD in Artificial Intelligence (AI) at KMi in 2004. His research focused on Adaptive Information Filtering and its application to content personalisation. Inspired by the biological immune system, he developed an AI model (that he called “Nootropia") capable of learning and continuously adapting to an individual’s multiple and evolving interests….

Presentation of KMi Research at the University of Bergen

Following a kind invitation from Prof Bjørnar Tessem and Prof Csaba Veres, I spent three excellent days at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies of the University of Bergen in Norway.  During my time in Bergen I gave two lectures. The first one focused on my work on the Rexplore tool for exploring…

KMi Researchers among the Top Ten in AI

Every two years, the IEEE Intelligent Systems magazine runs the “AI’s 10 to Watch” award, which aims to identify 10 of the most promising early career researchers in Artificial Intelligence. As Prof Fei-Yue Wang, Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Intelligent Systems, says in his editorial, the winners list provides a “glimpse of the future of AI” and…

Tom Heath wins ‘PhD of the Year’ Award

Former KMi PhD student Tom Heath has been awarded the prestigious "PhD of the Year" prize, which is assigned every year to the most promising researcher in the STi International academic network. Tom was given the prize at a ceremony held during the organisation’s recent offsite meeting in Kalamaki, Crete. KMi’s John Domingue, President of…