Alexandra Okada

An inspiring conference for the majority of science educators

The ENGAGE project conference, at the Open University on March 11th, was a unique event designed to launch a community of innovative science teachers.  Funded by the European Commission (EC), this event brought together more than 80 Science teachers from right across England, as well as Russia and Brazil. The conference themes were chosen by the teachers themselves,…

ENGAGE wins the 2017 OER & Project Awards for Open Education Excellence!

ENGAGE is a winner of the 2017 OER & Project Awards for Open Education Excellence, which was announced by the global network of Open Education (OEC). Fourteen partners and more than 15.000 open educators in 80 countries members of ENGAGE are celebrating this award now, whose the ceremony will be presented at the upcoming OEC Global Conference in Cape…

Responsible Research and Innovation in Action

The conference “Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) IN ACTION” organised by RRI Tools project supported by the European Commission was held  in Brussels on the  21st – 22nd of November 2016.  This event brought together 200 experts in the field to discuss open science and innovation system that tackle the societal challenges of our world. RRI IN ACTION…

Be interesting. It’s on the Syllabus.

Syllabuses in science are not known for being interesting. They are typically shopping lists, itemising every fact and concept. The problem is, with all those items to check off, teachers spend most of the time drilling kids’ heads full of content instead of filling them with enthusiasm.  The new KS3 Science Syllabus from AQA is…

Promoting Partnerships among Universities, Schools and Research Centres for Smart Citizenship

The Open University hosted the 15th International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation (ICTPI) on 17-19 June 2015. ICTPI’15 conference brought together leading representatives of academic, business, and government sectors worldwide to present and discuss current and future issues of using science and technology. The theme of ICTPI 2015 focuses on ‘ICT and Science in…

The third edge: knowledge in social networks, book launched in Brazil

Dr. Izabel Meister, who was a PhD student in KMi in 2012, has just published a book about her thesis, which was launched today in Brazil. Her thesis co-supervised by Dr. Okada – “The weaving of knowledge in social networks habitat of collective intelligences” – focused on social networks as a space of creation and acquisition…

EDEN 2014: Open Distance Learning: Doing Things Better: Doing Better Things

EDENRW8, which was held in Oxford on 27-28 October 2014, provided a good overview of the current state of online, open and distance learning in Europe.  This event was organised by Professor Antonio Moreira Teixeira, President of EDEN from the Open University of Portugal, and Professor Belinda Tynan, Pro Vice-Chanchellor on Learning & Teaching at the Open University…

Riding Giants: How to innovate and educate ahead of the wave

The ALTC 2014, annual conference held at Warwick University, was one of the key events at the forefront of learning technology this year. The inspiring theme “Riding Giants: How to innovate and educate ahead of the wave” attracted interesting keynotes, speakers, researchers and various professionals involved in the field of learning technology. This event was organised…