Marta Sabou

Sofia obtains award at ISWC’08

Sofia Angeletou’s submission to this year’s PhD symposium has been selected as one of the top three papers of the event and obtained an honourable mention. This is a remarkable achievement given this year’s incredibly high competition. Indeed, a record number of 39 submissions have been received, out of which only seven have been selected…

KMi paper – Last Year’s Most Wanted!

The annual survey performed by the prestigious Journal of Web Semantics for the period of October 2005 – September 2006 yielded that their most frequently downloaded paper of the year has been an article co-authored by three KMi members. Victoria Uren was the main author while Enrico Motta and Maria Vargas-Vera have participated as co-authors….

Barry Norton – an AWeSOMe speaker!

Barry Norton has been the invited speaker of this year’s AWeSOMe workshop. This was the second edition of this workshop which aims to bridge the gap between three major research areas: Agents, Web Services and Ontologies. The workshop was held as part of the OnTheMove Federated Conferences (OTM’06), on the 29th of October 2006. Barry…

Back from WWW2006

The main conference about Web technology, WWW, has been held in Edinburgh one week ago. This conference series has a major impact on the development of the Web and acts as a meeting place of all interested parties: the W3C, academics that pursue Web related issues and the major inductry players such as Google, Yahoo…