
<p>Story relating to an award</p>

KMi wins the Best Poster/Demo Award at TPDL 2011

The KMi submission authored by Petr Knoth, Vojtech Robotka and Zdenek Zdrahal entitled: ” Connecting Repositories in the Open Access Domain using Text Mining and Semantic Data” won the Best Poster/Demo Award at the International Conference on Theory and Practise of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2011) which is this week taking place in Berlin, Germany. The…

KMI @ NTCIR CrossLink competition

The KMI team consisting of Petr Knoth, Lukas Zilka and Zdenek Zdrahal scored first in the NTCIR CrossLink competition in the manual assessment category in A2F P@5. The team placed consistently in the top three in other categories. Twelve international teams took part in the evaluation. NTCIR is a major forum (similar to TREC) of…

Web Science 2011 Best Paper Award

Matthew Rowe and Harith Alani won the Best Paper Award at the Web Science Conference 2011, located in Koblenz, Germany, for their paper in collaboration with Marcel Karnstedt, Jeffrey Chan and Conor Hayes from National University of Ireland, Galway titled ‘The Effect of User Features on Churn in Social Networks’. The paper explored how ‘churn’…

ESWC Best Demo Award

Mathieu d’Aquin, Fouad Zablith and Enrico Motta have won the best demo award at this year’s Extended Semantic Web Conference, which took place in Crete last week. The demostration concerned wayOU, a mobile app based on Linked Data, which supports social location tracking at the Open University. wayOU enables Open University staff and students to…

SOA4All: Achieving a Paradigm Shift in Software Development

The three year 13M Euro SOA4All project has now come to an end with a very successful final review. The main aim of the project was to facilitate the creation of a "Service Web": a web where services exist in large numbers and are easily found, composed and invoked. In addition to the headline quote…

KMi Researchers among the Top Ten in AI

Every two years, the IEEE Intelligent Systems magazine runs the “AI’s 10 to Watch” award, which aims to identify 10 of the most promising early career researchers in Artificial Intelligence. As Prof Fei-Yue Wang, Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Intelligent Systems, says in his editorial, the winners list provides a “glimpse of the future of AI” and…

KMi in the BBC Headlines

On Tuesday 21st March 2011, KMi Director Dr Peter Scott was featured in the BBC Business News article “Going to Harvard from your own bedroom”, by Merlin John, featured on the home page of Peter is quoted as stating “in the online world you don’t need to fill buildings or lecture theatres with people…

Young learners’ innovative uses of technology

For the third time running, Rebecca Ferguson has taken a team of young learners to the national finals of the Y-Factor competition. The conference is run as part of Learning Without Frontiers (formerly the Handheld Learning conference) and is open to children and young people who are making innovative uses of technology to support their…

KMi Raise 500UKP for Movember

Various members of KMi grew moustaches in aid of The Prostate Cancer Charity via Movember. This is the second year KMi have taken up the challenge and 2010 saw double the number of participants and double the total contributions. Movember challenges men to change their appearance and the face of men’s health by growing a…

KMi steals the show at EKAW 2010

KMi members were very much in evidence at the 17th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2010), which took place in Lisbon on 11-15 October. First held in 1987, EKAW represents the main European forum for research in knowledge technologies. In particular, two prestigious awards were brought home by KMi members. The…