KMi members were very much in evidence at the 17th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2010), which took place in Lisbon on 11-15 October. First held in 1987, EKAW represents the main European forum for research in knowledge technologies.
In particular, two prestigious awards were brought home by KMi members. The first one, the prize for best student paper, was won by Fouad Zablith for his paper on “Using Ontological Contexts to Assess the Relevance of Statements in Ontology Evolution”, which was written in collaboration with Mathieu D’Aquin, Marta Sabou, and Enrico Motta. Another KMi member, Miriam Fernandez, won the award for Best Poster for her work on “Predicting the quality of semantic relations by applying Machine Learning classifiers”, in collaboration with Marta Sabou, Petr Knoth, and Enrico Motta.
The influential role of KMi in this research community was also confirmed by the three keynotes given by KMi members in both the main conference and associated workshops. Enrico Motta gave a keynote at the main conference on “Realizing Smart Products” and was also invited speaker at the workshop on Context, Information and Ontologies, while Mathieu d’Aquin gave a keynote at the Personal Semantic Data workshop. Finally papers/posters/demos were also presented by Ning Li, Vanessa Lopez and Stefan Dietze.
In sum, EKAW 2010 turned out to be yet another exciting and high profile event which confirmed KMi’s international status at the forefront of research and development in knowledge technologies.
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