Chris Valentine

KMi Congratulates Dr. Suchetha Nambanoor-Kunnath for Completing her PhD

Many congratulations to Dr. Suchetha Nambanoor-Kunnath for successfully defending her PhD thesis with the title: “Language Models for Citation Classification”. Her PhD topic focused on large language models for citation classification and how this can impact several areas including research evaluation, literature discovery and summary generation. Suchetha’s panel was chaired by Prof. Bart Rienties, while…

Peter Scott Visits KMi

Professor Peter Scott today paid a flying visit to KMi, the department he was director of from 2007 to 2015, and spoke with our current Vice Chancellor Prof. Tim Blackman and two other ex-directors, Prof. John Domingue and Prof. Enrico Motta, as well as other long-term KMi staff. Renowned for his transformational leadership in learning innovation,…

CORE welcomes Plan S

CORE supports Plans S in granting open access to scholarly outputs (such as publications) to anyone without any barriers and restrictions, including to most forms of use and re-use by humans and machines. PlanS is an initiative supported by the European Commission and various national public funding bodies (“cOAlitionS") who, from 2020, will require that…

CORE team wins at the Research Excellence Awards 2019

CORE was presented with the Outstanding Impact of Research on Society and Prosperity Award at The Open University’s Research Excellence Awards Ceremony 2019 which took place at the MK Stadium on October 23rd.   Over 150 Researchers, academics and support staff attended with Professor Kevin Hetheringthon, Pro Vice Chancellor for Research, Enterprise and Scholarship hosting. The…

eLmL 2020 Special Track: Decentralised Qualifications on the Blockchain

Alexander Mikroyannidis and the QualiChain project are organising a special track at the 12th International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning (eLmL 2020), which will be held on March 22-26, 2020 in Valencia, Spain. The special track is entitled Decentralised Qualifications on the Blockchain and it will investigate the creation, piloting and evaluation of…

The OpenLang Network has kicked off!

The kick-off meeting of the new Erasmus+ project OpenLang Network took place on October 29-30 in the beautiful city of Thessaloniki. The project is led by the University of Macedonia (Greece) and the project consortium consists of The Open University (UK), Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus), and Pixel (Italy). The project will build a network…

KMi Blockchain research showcased at the IEEE FIE 2018

The 48th IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) conference took place on October 3-6 in San Jose, California, USA. FIE is a major international conference sponsored by the IEEE Education Society and the IEEE Computer Society. It is an ideal forum for sharing ideas, learning about the latest developments and interacting with colleagues in the fields…

KMi help launch the IWA report for Cardiff Capital Region

The Institute of Welsh Affairs is the leading think tank for the development and delivery of public initiatives that have real impact in Wales. IWA director, Auriol Miller, invited KMi’s Alan Fletcher to be part of the IWA Advisory Group that has just published “Our Smart Region”, a report on the Cardiff Capital Region City…

Webinar on SlideWiki’s Open Education Trials and the Semantic Blockchain

On August 14th, the SlideWiki project organised a webinar, which was delivered by Alexandra Garatzogianni (L3S Research Center, LUH), Alexander Mikroyannidis (The Open University, UK) and Allan Third (The Open University, UK). In the first part of this webinar, Alexandra presented the H2020 SlideWiki project and its OpenCourseWare (OCW) competition. Alexander then presented SlideWiki’s open…