
<p>Story relating to a visit</p>

High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire visits

Today, we were visited by The Honourable Rupert Carington. He was visiting the University in his role as High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire to meet the Vice-Chancellor and senior staff as well as to get a flavour of the University&#39s work in distance education. The High Sheriff is the Queen&#39s official representative in the county, holding…

Wellcome Foundation visit

A team from the Wellcome Trust visited KMi this morning as part of a general visit to the Open University. The group today were from the Medicine, Society and History (MSH) Division of the Trust. The Division aims to foster understanding of medicine and its role in society in the past, present and future. So…

Semantic Climate Portal Underway

KMi has begun its research activity on ClimatePrediction.Net, a massive distributed computing project designed to allow up to 2 million individuals each to run part of a 100-year-projection climate model on their personal computers. ClimatePredicton.Net, headed by a team from the Atmospheric Physics Department at the University of Oxford, has been awarded £400K by the…

MK Mayor visits KMi

Today we hosted a visit by the Milton Keynes Mayor, Cllr Alan Pugh. The Mayor was shown a number of demonstrations of the work we do with the local community. These included the Clutch Club, the work with the local schools and the AEC project with the Kettering NHS Trust.

Dr. Mwanza heads for Helsinki

Yesterday Daisy Mwanza successfully completed her viva for the award of PhD. The viva was held in IET and did not finish until late afternoon, so today she came over to share a bottle of champagne with her friends and colleagues from KMi. Daisy, who was a joint KMi-IET research student, is currently a research…

Scottish Executive Visit

Today we hosted a visit from the E-Learning Team from the Scottish Executive. This team have been tasked by the Scottish Minister for Higher Education to explore the scope of e-learning as a potential force in exporting Scotland’s academic expertise. The visitors were particularly interested in the OU’s relationship with the e-University; about our own…

Scottish Executive Visit

Today we hosted a visit from the E-Learning Team from the Scottish Executive. This team have been tasked by the Scottish Minister for Higher Education to explore the scope of e-learning as a potential force in exporting Scotland’s academic expertise. The visitors were particularly interested in the OU’s relationship with the e-University; about our own…

KMI fosters a link with CORUS STRIP PRODUCTS UK

On 10th and 11th April 2002 a visit to one of the key steel manufacturers in the UK, CORUS STRIP PRODUCTS UK took place. The main contributor in making this visit possible is Mr. Steve Thornton working in the same company’s plant situated at the Teesside, North Yorkshire. The main focus of the visit was…

IEE Director of Knowledge Services Visits

Dr. Mike Rodd, Director of Knowledge Services Department of the Institution of Electrical Engineer’s, visited KMi today as part of an OU-wide series of discussions arranged by Prof. Bashar Nuseibeh, Research Director of the OU’s Computing Department. Prof. Nuseibeh and Dr. Rodd are initiating discussions on possible collaborative links between the IEE and the OU….

Return to Walton Hall after 30 years

KMi hosted a visit this week by Dr. Susan Olson, who was seeing the Walton Hall campus for the first time in 30 years. As a PhD research student from Ohio State University, USA, Dr. Olson received a bursary which enabled her to come to the UK to study the Open University and its pioneering…