Dr. Mwanza heads for Helsinki

Yesterday Daisy Mwanza successfully completed her viva for the award of PhD. The viva was held in IET and did not finish until late afternoon, so today she came over to share a bottle of champagne with her friends and colleagues from KMi.

Daisy, who was a joint KMi-IET research student, is currently a research fellow in the IET User Lab, but will soon be leaving for Helsinki where she will take up the post of research fellow on the EU funded project Lab@Future. The Lab@Future project is concerned with developing computer-based tools to support collaborative and flexible learning amongst high school children. Daisy will be working at the Center for Activity Theory and Developmental Work Research (AT&DWR) at the University of Helsinki with Professor Engeström and is particularly interested in applying the method developed in her PhD to the requirements capture and evaluation stages of the project.

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