High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire visits

Today, we were visited by The Honourable Rupert Carington. He was visiting the University in his role as High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire to meet the Vice-Chancellor and senior staff as well as to get a flavour of the University&#39s work in distance education.

The High Sheriff is the Queen&#39s official representative in the county, holding an office originally created in the tenth century. Among many other duties, he acts as returning officer during parliamentary elections, attends High Court judges and has a range of civil roles connected with the High Court. He is also required to raise a posse of forty men when the occasion arises.

During a demonstration of Peter Whalley&#39s &#39First Flight&#39 website, the Sheriff mentioned that his grandfather had flown with the Wright Brothers.

Photos show:
top: Peter Sharpe demonstrating the ROSTRA news system and the Matterhorn webcast event.
center: Colin Barrett demonstrates the CLUTCH project.
bottom: Peter Whalley shows videos of Heronsgate School kids renacting the Wright Brothers first flight.

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