Wellcome Foundation visit

A team from the Wellcome Trust visited KMi this morning as part of a general visit to the Open University. The group today were from the Medicine, Society and History (MSH) Division of the Trust. The Division aims to foster understanding of medicine and its role in society in the past, present and future.

So who came?
Caroline Hurren is Head of Consultation and Education and is responsible for developing and running a programme to inform, influence and support public engagement with science policy and practice. Philomena Gibbons is the Administration Manager for the Medicine, Society & History Division. Dr Anthony Woods is responsible for the History of Medicine and the Biomedical Ethics. This means he looks after the History of Medicine Grants Panel, the History of Medicine Wellcome Centre at UCL and the Wellcome Units at Manchester and Oxford. Jane Hogg is Head of the Publishing Group. The Group produces a range of publications including print, CD ROM and web outputs for a number of different audiences. Their successful Topics in International Health series provides interactive training CD ROMs on topics of global medical importance for users in developed, developing and transitional countries. Denna Jones is Curator of the TwoTen Gallery & Contemporary Initiatives at The Wellcome Trust.

What did they do here?
In KMi, they were given a short introduction to the lab by Peter Sharpe, a small number of demonstrations of our wide range Knowledge Media projects, by Peter Scott, and finished up with a focus on some of our schools based research from Peter Whalley. After the lab, they were given presentations by the Science Faculty in the morning, followed by a set of discussions with the Arts Faculty in the afternoon. Another highlight of their visit was a meeting with Colin Pillinger (who is already funded by Wellcome) to discuss the status of Beagle-2.

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