Publication Related Event (legacy)

Breaking the rules is not a strategy to win

Evaluating learning technology and approaches regarding their impact is an extremely challenging task, with wrong choice in methodology often leading to low-impact, academic ivory tower research that nobody cares for. Effie Law (University of Leicester) and KMi’s Fridolin Wild therefore have compiled an inventory of relevant methods and approaches in order to help researchers pick…

Responsive Open Learning Environments: New book published by Springer

A new book edited by Sylvana Kroop, Alexander Mikroyannidis and Martin Wolpers has just been published by Springer. The book is entitled “Responsive Open Learning Environments” and presents the outcomes of 4 years of educational research in the EU-supported project called ROLE (Responsive Online Learning Environments). ROLE technology is centred around the concept of self-regulated…

Social Attitudes of Young People

A new report from the UK Government Cabinet Office sets out to explore the social attitudes of young people, with a KMi contribution on changes in technology and in particular social media and social networking. The report comes fresh from the Horizon Scanning Programme which has also recently analysed critical emerging technologies such as Big Data and…

Responsible Use of Social Media Data

It is excellent to see today’s publication of the Responsible use of data report by the Commons Science and Technology Committee. The OU has a long track record of research expertise in social media and other forms of big data, and provided both written and oral evidence to the Committee’s inquiry on Social Media and Real-time Analytics…

KMi in the top ORO charts

KMi is once again in the top charts of the Open Research Online (ORO), the Open University’s repository of research publications and other research outputs. A book chapter by Ale Okada, Alexander Mikroyannidis, Izabel Meister and Suzanne Little is in the top 10 most downloaded publications for February 2014. The chapter is entitled "Colearning" – Collaborative Open Learning through…

Two new interactive iBooks produced by KMi

The Open University has published two new interactive iBooks produced by KMi. The iBooks are available to download for free from Apple’s iBook Store. They showcase the latest research outputs of the European projects EUCLID and ROLE, offering interactive learning materials for Linked Data and Self Regulated Learning respectively. In more detail, the topics covered…

Special Issue: Cloud Education Environments

Alexander Mikroyannidis is the guest editor of the special issue on Cloud Education Environments published by the Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS). Together with Rocael Hernandez Rizzardini, Hans-Christian Schmitz, Carlos Delgado Kloos and Lee Chao, they have compiled a selection of publications, showcasing theoretical frameworks and practical applications in the emerging topic of education on the…

UNESCO Policy Brief: Learning Analytics

UNESCO’s Institute for Information Technologies in Education publishes Policy Briefs with recommendations for senior decision makers. KMi has provided the latest briefing, on Learning Analytics. Summary: Learning Analytics is a rapidly growing research field and commercial , with potentially disruptive potential. While educationalresearchers have for many years used computational techniques toanalyse learner data, generate visualizations of…

FuturICT FET Flagship: open access special issue

KMi is part of the FuturICT FET Flagship project submission, to develop a science of global, socially interactive systems. An open access journal special issue marks the scientific agenda that this 10 year project has mapped out… The European FET Flagships competition has the following mission: FET Flagships are ambitious large-scale, science-driven, research initiatives that aim to achieve…

Best practices from ROLE at the E-Learn 2012

The World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education (E-Learn) took place in Montreal, Canada last week. KMi and the ROLE project were represented by Alexander Mikroyannidis. Alexander Mikroyannidis presented a paper co-authored with Teresa Connolly about the lessons learned and the best practices from the Open University test-bed of the ROLE…