Rachel Coignac-Smith

New OU research platform invites collaboration on societal challenges

A new OU research platform is open for collaboration on some of the most important challenges of our time. The Open Societal Challenges Online Platform that will enable those outside The Open University (OU) to work with our researchers on society’s most pressing issues, is launching this month (October 2023). The Platform is based on a concept…

CORE Team wins Best Paper award at TPDL2023

The CORE team, represented by David Pride and Petr Knoth, were at The University of Zadar in Croatia last week for the 27th International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL) where they were presented with the Best Paper award for their submission entitled ‘CORE-GPT: Combining Open Access research and large language…

RefResh workshop at EuroCSS symposium

The 2nd European Computational Social Science symposium held in Cologne, Germany hosted the 1st workshop on Reframing Research (RefResh) organised by the KMiers Dr. Mannocci and Dr. Osborne and Dr. Manghi from ISTI, CNR, Italy. The main objective of RefResh was to bring together researchers from both quantitative and qualitative studies, practitioners and policy-makers working in the field of academic research,…

Dr Greetham goes to Westminster

Danica Greetham, KMI’s Senior Research Fellow went to the House of Lords on the 11th December 2018 on the invitation of Environmental Defense Fund Europe, to participate at the roundtable on the electrification of transport and the electricity sector. The meeting was chaired by Baroness Worthington and attended by representatives of several of the big…

KMi at ISWC2018

Every year the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) is the main destination for many researchers in the Semantic Web community. The 17th edition of the conference was held last week at the Asilomar Conference Grounds in Monterey, California, and it hosted around 500 researchers coming from all around the world. Many KMiers including John Domingue,…

KMi hosts first misinformation workshop for the OU

On October 4th, 2018 KMi hosted the first Misinformation Workshop for OU researchers working on the topic of mis/dis/information, education and information literacy. As part of our participation in Co-Inform, a European-funded project to create misinformation resilient societies (https://coinform.eu/ ), we hope to draw from interdisciplinary research conducted at our own institution to help understand how…

OUAnalyse at London Festival of Learning

This year, three important conferences related to educational technology were co-organised within one week in London as part of the London Festival of Learning. These conferences included Learning@Scale, International Conference on Learning Sciences and Artificial Intelligence in Education. This provided us with a unique opportunity to meet researchers across similar but slightly different fields. OUAnalyse…

Best paper at the LAK-18 conference

The paper entitled " Linking students’ timing of engagement to learning design and academic performance" authored by Quan Nguyen (IET), Michal Huptych (KMi) and Bart Rienties (IET) has been awarded the best full paper at the Learning Analytics and Knowledge 2018 (LAK-18), held in Sydney, Australia. LAK is the most prestigious conference on Learning Analytics…

KMi is hiring! join our Institute of Coding Team

    KMi are currently looking to fill a number of posts to work in the Open University’s Institute of Coding team, comprising academics and technology specialists in learning analytics and distributed ledger technologies. These are:      Systems and Network Administrator supporting IoC infrastructure  Research Assistant / Associate for Blockchain Learning Verification   Research Assistant / Associate for Mainstreaming Learning Analytics    Why…

OU to play lead role in new Institute of Coding

The Open University (OU) has been announced as a major partner in the UK’s Institute of Coding. Led by the University of Bath, the world-leading consortium has been established to strengthen the UK’s position globally in computing and IT, address the UK digital skills gap and create opportunities for more computer science graduates. Funding is comprised…