Publication Related Event (legacy)

KMi Research Fellow co-authors Erasmus funded publication on creativity

Dr. Tracie Farrell, a Research Fellow at KMi and winner of the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship (Round 6), has announced a new publication today on LinkedIn outlining a methodology that individuals and groups can use to develop their creative practice, particularly when engaging with large, complex problems. The “Kinetic Method” is the result of more than 10…

Agnese presents her research on robots with common sense at the AAAI Spring Symposium

The 2022 AAAI Symposium on Machine Learning and Knowledge Engineering for Hybrid Intelligence (AAAI-MAKE) took place on March 21-23. The symposium is aimed at bringing together researchers and practitioners that are exploring the integration of Machine Learning methods with knowledge-based systems, to improve the explainability, performance and data efficiency of existing solutions.   This year, the…

Citizen science data reveals the need for keeping pollinator-friendly plant lists up-to-date

Our latest paper from BeeWatch Planting for Pollinators citizen science data has just been published in Nature Scientific Reports. Widespread concern over declines in pollinating insects has led to numerous recommendations of which “pollinator-friendly” plants to grow and help turn urban environments into valuable habitat for such important wildlife. We used data gathered through our…

Agneses presentation at KR 2020 tops the charts

The 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2020) was held virtually on September 12-18. This year, a special track was devoted to research contributions at the intersection of Knowledge Representation and Robotics. 25% of the submissions to this special track were accepted as full papers. Agnese Chiatti, together with supervisors…

WIRED Magazine Interviews KMI researchers

This week, WIRED Magazine released an article covering KMI’s ongoing work about networked misogyny and misogynistic language online. WIRED reporters interviewed KMi researchers in response to a paper delivered at the WebSci19 conference (Sunday June 30th – Wednesday July 3rd, Boston, USA). Authors Tracie Farrell, Miriam Fernandez and Harith Alani, along with associated researcher Jakub…

KMi blockchain technology featured in Times Higher Education

The Times Higher Education has published an article by Martin Hall, former vice-chancellor of the University of Salford, which considers how Web 3.0 could revolutionise the way higher education is delivered.  In the article, our Director, John Domingue, explains to Martin why KMi’s “student first” vision for blockchain-enabled provision is good news for those needing…

ACL 2016: The 54th Annual Meeting

The Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL) is the largest Natural Language Processing (NLP) annual meeting among other NLP conferences such as EACL, EMNLP, and NAACL. The main conference took place in the heart of Germany, Berlin, at the Humboldt University between the 8th and the 10th of August. Other in-conjunction events, 8 tutorials and 15…

ACL 2016: The 54th Annual Meeting

The Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL) is the largest Natural Language Processing (NLP) annual meeting among other NLP conferences such as EACL, EMNLP, and NAACL. The main conference took place in the heart of Germany, Berlin, at the Humboldt University between the 8th and the 10th of August. Other in-conjunction events, 8 tutorials and 15…

Book on Intelligent Semantic Web Systems published

A new book written by KMiers Mathieu d’Aquin and Enrico Motta has just been published by Morgan and Claypool publishers, in the series "The Semantic Web: Theory and Technology". This book entitled "The Epistemology of Intelligent Semantic Web Systems" is a reflection of the evolution of the Semantic Web, a young discipline in comparison to other areas…

Open Data in Education: Now also a book

The use Open and Linked Data associated with education has been growing steadily, in part thanks to efforts involving KMi, such as, LinkedUniversities, the LinkedUp project and now the AFEL project. The book "Open Data for Education: Linked, Shared and Reusable Data for Teaching and Learning" is therefore a timely publication. Edited by Dmitry…