Project Related Event (legacy)

<p>Stories relating to a particular KMi project</p>

NoTube Future TV research goes Seoul

Last week saw the first Open Workshop on Future Television held by the NoTube consortium in Seoul, Korea. During this very successful, public half-day event, the NoTube team members – KMI represented by Stefan Dietze – showcased their innovative solutions centred around the topics Linked Data, Semantic Services and Future Television. The talks were met…

Virtual Microscope features at NHM Natures Treasures

Members of the OUs virtual microscope team were invited to exhibit at the event and took the opportunity to showcase their latest work – an Apollo moon rock virtual microscope. This was prepared in partnership with NASA and is now freely available via the VM website. The team have previously worked on terrestrial rocks and…

EU funds VPH-Share project to advance medical informatics

KMi is a partner in the newly funded VPH-Share project (Virtual Physiological Human: Sharing for Healthcare – A Research Environment), an EU Framework 7 integrating project. VPH-Share will begin in March 2011 and run for four years, with total funding from the EU of �10.7 million. The Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) is a vision for…

Hall Play website launch

Today, the Hallé – Manchester’s multi-award-winning international symphony orchestra – launches a brand new way for everyone to interact with its music, musicians and projects. Hallé Play sits alongside the Hallé website, and provides a dedicated area to view audio/visual material relating to the Hallé’s work, both on and off stage. Hallé Play will provide…

SOA4All M30 Review: Maria was impressive

Last week saw the SOA4All project have a highly successful month 30 review in Brussels. The reviewers complemented the high standard of the presentations and deliverables. In addition, positive feedback was given on the quality of all the software deliverables and software prototypes. The improved scientific impact in the form of papers and publications was…

JISC funds project to expose linked data at the OU: LUCERO

LUCERO (Linking University Content for Education and Research Online) is a new 1 year JISC-funded project at the Open University. Led by KMi, LUCERO (which means ‘Bright Star’ in Spanish) is a collaboration with the Faculty of Arts and the Open University Library, working in partnership with many other parts of the OU, in order…

SOA4All: Leading the Future Internet of Services

Last week saw SOA4All’s second year review in Barcelona. Driven by the success of previous reviews, this time the evaluation focused on exploitation of project results which shows the high expectations the European Commission has of this project. As on previous occasions, KMi’s involvement was crucial for yet another successful review. KMi’s John Domingue and…

NoTube – on the way to future television

NoTube – this is future television. This claim was once again underlined by the very successful 1st year project review of NoTube, which took place last week at the VU Intertain Lab in Amsterdam, which proved to be a more than worthy venue for NoTube. NoTube did set off to create a new, user-driven television…

Final PHAROS review

The final project review for PHAROS took place in Lannion, France on March 18. Three years of hard work and detailed review preparation was very evident and the initial comments from the reviewers were highly positive. The PHAROS (Platform for searcHing of Audiovisual Resources across Online Spaces) project developed an integrated audiovisual search platform incorporating…

NeOn project concludes

The Final Review of the NeOn Project took place on February 26th-27th in Luxembourg. The Reviewers’ immediate feedback was very positive and the Project Officer, Stefano Bertolo, subsequently wrote on Twitter “I spent a couple of days looking at the latest release of and really liked what I saw: give it a spin”. The…