The Final Review of the NeOn Project took place on February 26th-27th in Luxembourg. The Reviewers’ immediate feedback was very positive and the Project Officer, Stefano Bertolo, subsequently wrote on Twitter “I spent a couple of days looking at the latest release of and really liked what I saw: give it a spin”.
The project’s legacy is a robust new ontology engineering platform (the NeOn Toolkit), which is compliant with the new OWL 2 standard, plus a variety of leading-edge methods and tools covering a wide spectrum of tasks in ontology engineering, including managing networks of ontologies, reusing best practices in ontology engineering, and locating, accessing and reusing content from the Semantic Web. In addition, there is a comprehensive set of methodological guidelines for ontology engineering, which will be published as a book in the Autumn.
The project website provides a gateway to the NeOn application and tools and to the communities using them, for example, the Ontology Metadata Vocabulary (OMV), the Cupboard ontology repository, the Ontology Design Patterns repository (ODP) and the Fisheries and Pharmaceutical case studies.
So what next? Well, founding partners anticipate increased community take up of NeOn and aim to continue to support and develop the technology further, so watch this space for future announcements or subscribe to the NeOn user mailing list.
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