Event Participation/Organization

<p>Story relating to an event</p>

KMi Featured at UNICOM Online Training Event

KMi’s Marc Eisenstadt and Blaine Price are featured speakers at UNICOM’s Interactive Learning/Online Training Seminar and Workshop, taking place 3-4 February 1998 at the Commonwealth Institute in London. The seminar is part of UNICOM’s annual series of seminars aimed at business and academic educators and trainers, designed to summarise the latest developments in the field….

New KMi Book

In the past decade, high quality interfaces have become standard in a growing number of areas such as games and CD-ROM-based encyclopedias. Yet the overwhelming majority of programmers edit their code using a single font within a single window and view code execution via the hand insertion of print statements. Software Visualization (SV) redresses this…

KMi Hosts 10th Psychology of Programming Conference

Despite the fierce storms the new year saw KMi host an international conference on the Psychology of Programming (PPIG), with speakers from the US, mainland Europe, Israel and Russia. One of the predominant features of the PPIG conferences has been their openness to the variety of contrasting concerns relevant to programming. This year was no…

Scores see Mars Buggy at MacWorld

A collaborative project between KMi and Mac ADB controller manufacturers Beehive Technologies has seen up to 100 visits by show attendees to the KMi/Heronsgate Mars Buggy overnight. Beehive have a number of Apple Macs on their stand at the San Francisco exhibition with browsers pointing to the buggy pages. Visitors to the stand can see…

The Berrill Building Opened at the Open University

SIR KENNETH BERRILL formally opened the Open University s newest building today. The Knowledge Media Institute occupies the top floor of the Berrill Building, and visitors – apart from getting an overview of KMi’s myriad research projects – are afforded a memorable view over the eastern flank of the new city of Milton Keynes, where…

Mark Resmer presents the Instructional Management System

Following meetings with the Vice-Chancellor, Diana Laurillard (PVC-Tech. Devpt.), and KMi research groups, Mark Resmer (of Sonoma State Uni.) concluded his visit to the OU with a KMi Seminar on the Instructional Management System (IMS) Project. The IMS seeks to make the web more educationally useful by developing “a specific set of higher-order standards and…

Webcast links key HE policymakers

A live Webcast from KMi on Thursday 4th September linked some two dozen University Pro-Vice-Chancellors charged with steering policy on the use of new technologies in education. The event was the first of three phases of the ongoing ‘Learning.Org’ conference, created by Professor Diana Laurillard, The Open University’s PVC (Technology Development). Learning.Org is designed as…

AI ED ’97 Mirrors KMi’s Interests

As the theme of the 8th world conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, held in Kobe Japan, was ‘Knowledge and Media in Learning Systems’ I shouldn’t have been as surprised as I was that the current interests of the AI & ED community now closely match that of KMi’s. The bulk of papers discussed the…

MET Presence at Digital Talking Book Meeting

The METg’s Chris Valentine recently attended a meeting to discuss the future world file format for digital talking books in Sigtuna, just north of Stockholm, Sweden. The meeting was attended by at least seven talking book libraries and eleven visually-impaired research and support institutions from around the world. The principle driving force behind the development…

OU’s First Exam Via Internet a Success

Last week, three students made OU history by being the first to sit an examination via the Internet. Exams in odd places are not a new thing for the OU, as students have sat exams in nuclear submarines as well as many far off foreign locations, but this is the first time that the examination…