KMi Hosts ALCET Presentation

KMi today played host to a presentation by Dr. Ann Hanson of the ALCET project – Associate Lecturers Cascading Electronic Tutoring – a project which involved tutors on School of Education courses in the northwest region of the OU.

A pilot study was undertaken to examine the potential value of synchronous audio discussion rooms via the World Wide Web as an enhancement for staff development and, in turn, provide Associate Lecturers with new skills for future applications of the Internet for student support. The project complemented developments elsewhere in the OU in providing training for staff in the use of the Internet. It seeked to assess the potential of the latest developments on the Internet with a view to providing pointers as to future University provision in this area.

Funding for the first year of the pilot study was provided by the Office for Technology Development, the OU Development Fund and the Electronic Tuition Group.

Two of the project’s associate lecturers (Terry Richards in Colne and Netta Whitehead in Blackburn) joined the demonstration on-line via dial-up internet access. The audience included Will Swann, Dean of the School of Education and PVC for Technology, Diana Laurillard.


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