Event Participation/Organization

<p>Story relating to an event</p>

Stefan Rueger named Programme Co-Chair for Web Intelligence 2013

KMi Professor Stefan Rueger has been named PC Co-Chair of The 2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence. The conference will be held next November in Atlanta, Georgia. Web intelligence is commonly seen as a combination of applied artificial intelligence and information technology in the context of the web with a view to study and…

Future Learning Now!

Who knows what technology and knowledge will look like at the university of the future? Well, KMi does! Informed by the hundreds of experts consulted within the two EC-funded projects STELLAR and TELMAP, Fridolin Wild of KMi paints a picture of the future in his keynote at the ‘Future Learning Now!’ day of the Vienna…

iPad University launch in UAE

How do you mark the start of the largest experiment to test a nation-wide mobilization of mobile learning in higher education anywhere in the world? On September 25th 2012 His Excellency Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, UAE Minister for Higher Education & Scientific Research inaugurated the First Annual Global Mobile Learning Congress 2012 at the United Arab Emirates University in Al…

Changing the way Europe learns…

The 2012 European Learning Industry Group (ELIG) Annual Meeting took place 1-2 October 2012 in Dublin. The event was hosted by Intel, Enterprise Ireland, the Irish Learning Technology Centre and Trinity College in Dublin. ELIG Members, the Executive Committee, Advisory Board Members and Special Guests participated in a lively occasion. Teresa Connolly represented KMi and…

Innovating learning through Education 3.0

Innovating learning through Education 3.0 was the key theme of the first conference InovaEduca 3.0, which was held in Sao Paulo Brazil, 1st of October.  This event provided a forum for researchers and practitioners to meet and discuss the wide-ranging of principles and practices on the uses of technology for improving competences and skills in…

Keynote at the European Conference on Service Oriented and Cloud Computing

Another week, another Keynote. On this occasion at the first European Conference on Service Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC). This conference was formed last year from the long running European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS) with the (obvious) extension to Cloud Computing.  In addition to KMi’s John Domingue, the conference Keynotes included Bryan Stephenson from…

AIMSA 2012 Keynote

Following the long association between KMi and the AIMSA conference series this week saw John Domingue give the conference’s opening Keynote. His talk titled “Linking Services and Linked Data” gave an overview of the results from the SOA4All, NoTube, VPH Share and PlanetData projects, illustrating how the spheres of Linked Data and services will be…

WeGov on the BBC

Hansard Society, one of the partners in WeGov, lead the organisation of an event in Westminster on 11th of September to debate if and how can social media inform policy-making, and what are the various issues associated with this emerging field.  In a coverage of the event, the BBC highlighted the growing field of using…

Against the odds at SocialCom 2012

The ASE/IEEE International Social Computing conference managed a 23% acceptance rate this year, maintaining a high profile and quality program and presentations. KMi submitted three papers to this conference, under the auspice of FP7 ROBUST and EPSRC ViolenceDet projects, and achieved a 100% acceptance rate!  Matthew Rowe and Harith Alani, in the paper titled "What makes communities tick?…

International Workshop on Cloud Education Environments

Alexander Mikroyannidis is co-organising an international workshop on Cloud Education Environments, on November 15-16 in Antigua Guatemala. The workshop will focus on the exchange of relevant trends and research results, as well as the presentation of practical experiences gained while developing and testing cloud education environments, both from a teaching and a learning perspective. Best…