
<p>Story relating to an award</p>

FlashMeeting commendation at RCUK competition

The final of the RCUK Business Plan Competition 2008 was held on the 20th October at Stamford Bridge, the home of Chelsea Football Club. KMi’s Alan Fletcher was there to represent the competition entry for the FlashMeeting project and FM technologies, running an exhibition stand with live demos of FM and Hexagon for the assembled…

New President for STI International

At the recent General Assembly meeting for Semantic Technology Institute International (STI International), held at the end of September in Vienna, the members voted in John Domingue as the new President. STI International is an global organisation with over 35 members in Europe, North America, and Asia with a mission to “make semantics real” –…

Vote for ERA!

The Enabling Remote Activity project has been shortlisted for an award at the Handheld Learning 2008 conference. ERA is a finalist in the ‘Special Needs – Innovation’ category for developing a system to support mobility impaired students participating in the OU ‘Ancient Mountains’ geology fieldwork course. You can help us win – the winner is…

Learning Project with FM wins MICROSOFT 1st prize!

OpenLearn tools created by KMi are helping educators and researchers develop innovative practice and learning methodologies across the world! Paulo Moreira (Minho), Daniela Melare (UNED) and Ale Okada (KMi) participated as keynotes in the Web Curriculum Conference in Brazil describing the best learning projects from CoLearn Community with KMi Tools: Compendium and FlashMeeting Project. The…

Dr Joanna Kwiat!

I’m delighted to announce that Joanna Kwiat has successfully defended her PhD, entitled "Multi-Perspective Annotation of Digital Stories for Professional Knowledge Sharing" The thesis will be published as a KMi Technical Report following revisions, although its in depth literature review of narrative theory, and its relevance for story technology, is already available as the report…

Dr Anna De Liddo!

Congratulations to Anna De Liddo, who passed her PhD viva with flying colours last Friday! Her thesis "A Process Memory Platform to Support Participatory Planning & Deliberation" is collaborative work with Dept. di Architecttura e Urbanista, Politecnico di Bari, and KMi’s Hypermedia Discourse group. The viva panel were impressed with the originality of the research,…

Dr. Joao Magalhaes!

Congratulations to MMIS group member Joao Magalhaes for passing his PhD viva yesterday at Imperial College London! Joao passed his viva with flying colours with an amazing "no changes required" from the examiners and many a complementary remark by them. We were all surprised by the appearance of his family and some friends who flew…

The Open University on iTunes U

Today, Apple’s iTunes service for Universities, iTunes U was thrown open to an international community – and is showcasing the Open University. A team from KMi and the University Learning and Teaching Solutions have crafted a strong presence for the OU at launch; and have cunning plans to use this new channel opportunity in some…

KMi Member Awarded on Course Team

Chris Valentine today received an OU Teaching Award for his role in the new course "Digital photography: creating and sharing better images". The first two presentations of the 10-week online course T189 attracted 1500 students each, making it one of the most successful OU courses to date. Its third presentation is due to start in…

It’s official, FM is a "better way of working"

In a dazzling gala ceremony in London, KMi was the winner this evening of an eWell-being award for FM online-meeting technology in the category "Better Ways of Working". The eWell-being awards were hosted at London’s Globe Theatre on the banks of the Thames, on April 30th 2008. The awards are presented by the UK Centre…