Person: Carlos Pedrinaci

<p>Carlos Pedrinaci</p>

Strong KMi presence at ISWC 2015

The International Semantic Web Conference this year witnessed another populous KMi delegation, with 8 people from the lab attending the conference, which took place in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA, on October 11-15. The KMi contributed in a variety of ways to the main Semantic Web conference, both with a significant presence in the organising committee and…

Two New Senior Researchers

We gathered at the Town Meeting today to celebrate promotions for Carlos Pedrinaci and Mathieu d’Aquin. Both members of staff are now officially "Senior Lecturers." Director, John Domingue congratulated the pair, and with a glass of bubbly and a slice of cake, they each gave a brief speech. Mathieu admitted that, although he had put…

COMPOSE nominated for IoTAwards

Every year the #IoTAwards honour the year’s best products and ideas shaping the Internet of Things, may they be novel business ideas or disruptive devices. For 2014, KMi’s EU project COMPOSE has been nominated for the best integrated solution for supporting the development of Internet of Things applications.  COMPOSE competes in this category with well-established, commercial…

KMi at ESWC 2014!

A significant number of KMiers attended the 11th edition of the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2014,, which was celebrated one more year in Anissaras, Crete. The European Semantic Web Conference is held annually and is one of the most relevant events in the Semantic Web area.   KMi’s presence was one of the…

KMi Releases Linked Services iPhone App

Last month saw the release of SOA4RealEstate in the iTunes App Store, an iPhone application that allows users to make informed decisions when looking for a property to buy in the UK. The app, which was demo-ed during John Domingue’s inaugural lecture held last week, allows users to combine on demand linked data coming from…

SOA4All: Achieving a Paradigm Shift in Software Development

The three year 13M Euro SOA4All project has now come to an end with a very successful final review. The main aim of the project was to facilitate the creation of a "Service Web": a web where services exist in large numbers and are easily found, composed and invoked. In addition to the headline quote…

Keynote at NFPSLAM-SOC’10

Last week KMi’s Carlos Pedrinaci gave a keynote at the 4th Workshop on Non-Functional Properties and SLA Management in Service-Oriented Computing collocated with the 8th IEEE European Conference on Web Services in Ayia Napa, Cyprus. In his talk, Carlos revisited some of the existing issues limiting the uptake of services on the Web, and highlighted…

SOA4All: Leading the Future Internet of Services

Last week saw SOA4All’s second year review in Barcelona. Driven by the success of previous reviews, this time the evaluation focused on exploitation of project results which shows the high expectations the European Commission has of this project. As on previous occasions, KMi’s involvement was crucial for yet another successful review. KMi’s John Domingue and…

The Ever-growing Future Internet Contributes to a 2500 Event in Valencia

This week saw over 2500 participants attend a large EU meeting: "From Economic Recovery to Sustainability". This large meeting combined large public-private partnerships in the areas of: Factories of the Future, Energy Efficient Buildings, Green Cars and the Future Internet. Each of these areas is associated with a significant pool of funding and at the…