Person: Carlos Pedrinaci

<p>Carlos Pedrinaci</p>

SOA4All: This is really cool stuff

So began the feedback from the mid-term review of the SOA4All project, held last week in Brussels. From a relatively slow start the three external reviewers of the project now agreed that the project is performing very well. As one review said: �it is now fun to be a reviewer�. SOA4All is a large EU…

Semantics and Future Internet Workshop at FIS 2009

This week saw a highly stimulating workshop on how Semantic Technologies could support the Future Internet held in conjunction with the Future Internet Symposium in Berlin. The workshop combined a number of leading players from the semantics arena and from the main areas of the Future Internet, namely from the: Internet of Services, Internet of…

Semantic Web Reflections and Future Directions

The last week of June saw the Dagstuhl �Semantic Web Reflections and Future Directions� Perspectives Workshop take place in the well-known centre for informatics meetings. The seminar was organised by KMi’s John Domingue together with Dieter Fensel (Universit�t Innsbruck), James A. Hendler (Rensselaer Polytechnic, USA) and Rudi Studer (Universit�t Karlsruhe), and involved 50 of the…

KMi Contributes to a Successful First Year Review of the SOA4All Project

On the 2nd and 3rd of April the SOA4All project had a very successful first year review in Brussels. Service Oriented Architectures for All (SOA4All) is a Large-Scale Integrating Project funded by the European Seventh Framework Programme, aiming to realize a world where billions of parties are exposing and consuming services via advanced Web technology….

Glowing Final Review Report for DIP

Last week a glowing final review report arrived for DIP the 3-year 16M Euro Integrated Project on Semantic Web Services. Although we have reported earlier that the final review had been a success it is unusual for an official EU document to be so full of praise. In the words of KMi’s Director, Enrico Motta:…

DIP: a 16M Euro Flagship Semantic Web Services Project

Yesterday saw the conclusion to DIP, the 3-year 16M Euro Integrated Project on Semantic Web Services with the final review. According to the project funders, the EU commission, the endeavour has been an outstanding success. Concluding the final review the EU Project Officer Kai Tullius stated: “DIP is a flagship project which will serve as…

DIP Review an Overwhelming Success

DIP is a 3-year 11 million UKP EU Integrated Project, on semantic web services, involving 16 partners from 10 countries. Like most EU projects DIP is subject to a two day annual review involving three external reviewers and a project officer from the funding unit. DIP’s second annual review was held last week in the…