Technology Related Event (legacy)

<p>Story relating to a new technology</p>

AquaLog … Now Released !!!

We want to present to you AquaLog, our ontology-based question answering system. The AquaLog query answering system is based on the premise that the semantic web will benefit from the availability of natural language query interfaces, which allow users to query semantic markup (viewed as a knowledge base). The semantic web vision is one in…

Interoperability of Major Semantic Web Service Platforms

Over the last few days visitors from a team based at the Digital Enterprise Research Institute located in Galway and Innsbruck have been working on making their semantic web services platform, WSMX, interoperate with KMi’s Internet Reasoning Service (IRS). Today they completed their work so that each platform is now able to invoke semantic web…

FlashMeeting 2.0 Now Released

FlashMeeting, the lightweight video-conferencing software application that captures your essential meeting knowledge online, was released as Version 2 today. FlashMeeting means: no frills, no silly extra hardware and no big installation hassle! And from today, it also means: a new, bigger footprint that allows you to see text chat alongside everything else; scaling or scrolling…

Compendium: Get Visual & go to the Source

An historic milestone has been reached with the release of the source code for Compendium, KMi&#39s widely used semantic hypertext concept mapping tool. This is coupled with the release of v1.3.04 which enables users to define their own node and link types, and annotate images. Compendium has an interesting history which has brought us to…

KMi collaboration tools support NASA Mars simulation

If humans land on Mars in 20-30 years’ time, how will they work with their support teams on Earth? KMi has been supporting scientific collaboration in a 2 week Mars-Earth simulation mission, trialling Compendium and BuddySpace across time and space… Research scientists at the OU’s Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) were immersed in a ‘deep simulation’…

Flashmeeting Service launched for Milton Keynes Schools

Today KMi has launched a web based videoconferencing solution for all Milton Keynes schools under the auspices of MKSchools.Net. Hosted on their own network and based on the CNM Flashmeeting Server the new service is available to all of the 90 Schools in the Milton Keynes area. The MK Schools.Net team, based at the Open… launched

KMi has launched a new public version of its Instant Messaging service under the name ‘’. features both new server functionality, including web-based administration, and a new secure client. The new server provides better group management and publishing functionality, in addition to existing features such as the automatic generation of contact groups. The groups…

Mobile Tag Game Mulberry Lawn Trial 2

Today is the day in which CitiTag, a wireless location based multiplayer game designed to explore spontaneous social interaction and novel experiences in city environments, was due to undergo its second trial in real life testing. As one of the iPaqs was faulty due to its connector, only nine of the original 10 could take…

Compendium 1.3.02 for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux

The release of Compendium 1.3 at the end of last year and its use of the open source MySQL database, allowed for cross-platform versions of Compendium to be developed, (see link to Compendium 1.3 Release for full details). Since this time we have been working towards Mac OS X and Linux releases of Compendium and…

Mobile Tag Game Mulberry Lawn Trial

CitiTag, a wireless location-based multiplayer game designed to explore spontaneous social interaction and novel experiences in city environments, was due to undergo multiplayer, real-life testing today. Alas some technical problems meant that only four out ten iPaqs could contribute to the first trial! The hardware consists of a GPS receiver, to provide positional information, connected…