Publication Related Event (legacy)

Knowledge Cartography published today!

It is a great pleasure to announce that our book Knowledge Cartography: Software Tools and Mapping Techniques has been published. It is a fantastic feeling to see the 400 pages, with all the maps and images in colour! This book shows the current state of the art in knowledge mapping. It is the first book…

Mapping Climate Science Arguments with Teenagers

KMi’s Compendium tool supports rapid visual mapping of dialogues and debates through a mix of visual language, tagging and hypermedia structuring. With a track record of use in the workplace, we are now beginning to build evidence of its potential for critical thinking in schools. With >40,000 downloads and an annual workshop, KMi supports an…

Cover feature article in Inside Knowledge magazine

A collaborative article on the current state of the art and future development of multimedia information retrieval, written by Adam Rae and Stefan Rüger was recently published in Inside Knowledge magazine. This particular magazine focuses on industrial and commercial use of knowledge management systems and research within the field. The May edition is currently on…

KMi paper – Last Year’s Most Wanted!

The annual survey performed by the prestigious Journal of Web Semantics for the period of October 2005 – September 2006 yielded that their most frequently downloaded paper of the year has been an article co-authored by three KMi members. Victoria Uren was the main author while Enrico Motta and Maria Vargas-Vera have participated as co-authors….

KMi contributes to Pew Report on future of the internet

The US group Pew Internet and American Life recently surveyed 742 "internet leaders, activists, and analysts" in the fields of computing, politics and business to ask them their thoughts about the future of the internet – where would we be in 2020? KMi views were reported in the survey, with PhD student Mark Gaved reflecting…

Scholarly Hypermedia journal issue

The primary journal in the field of Hypertext and Hypermedia research, “New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia”, has published a special bi-annual issue on the theme of “Scholarly Hypermedia”. Edited by KMi&#39s Simon Buckingham Shum, this issue focuses on how early visions and technologies since WWII for linking and structuring information have transformed scientific and…

New KMi Book on Hypertext

Clara Mancini&#39s “Cinematic Hypertext: Investigating A New Paradigm” has just been launched by IOS Press (see link below). The book is based on Clara&#39s PhD thesis, completed at KMi over a year ago and supervised by Simon Buckingham Shum and Marc Eisenstadt. Addressing the problem of coherence in non-linear scholarly discourse, “Cinematic Hypertext” investigates a…

KMi Director chairs 14th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2004)

The EKAW series of workshops started in 1987 to provide a forum for researchers interested in the acquisition, modelling and engineering of knowledge. Seventeen years later this event is still going strong and indeed the original motivation (engineering knowledge for use in intelligent applications) is even more pressing today than it was all those years…

IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT’04) and Web Intelligence (WI’04)

Two KMi-ers, Chongming Hou and Maria Vargas-Vera delivered talks in the joint conference on their research papers accepted by the highly competitive IAT’04 and WI’04, respectively. Chongming Hou presented a paper at IAT’04 about predicting agents&#39 tactics in automated negotiation. Maria Vargas-Vera’s paper in WI’04 was about event recognition on news stories and the semi-automatic…