KMi paper – Last Year’s Most Wanted!

The annual survey performed by the prestigious Journal of Web Semantics for the period of October 2005 – September 2006 yielded that their most frequently downloaded paper of the year has been an article co-authored by three KMi members. Victoria Uren was the main author while Enrico Motta and Maria Vargas-Vera have participated as co-authors. The list of most downloaded articles has been included in the advertisement leaflet of the journal distributed at last week’s ISWC conference (on show in my office).

The focus of the paper is the task of semantic annotation in the context of supporting knowledge management needs in companies. The authors identify a number of requirements that annotation tools should fulfill. They use these requirements to guide their comparative overview of existing ontology annotation tools. The conclusion of the study is that while more research is needed to bring existing tools to the required levels, the state of the art of this technology is very promising.

The paper’s full details are:

Uren, Victoria; Cimiano, Philipp; Iria, José; Handschuh, Siegfried; Vargas-Vera, Maria; Motta, Enrico; Ciravegna, Fabio, Semantic Annotation for Knowledge Management: Requirements and a Survey of the State of the Art, Journal of Web Semantics, 2006, vol. 4, no. 1., pp.14-28.

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