Event Participation/Organization

<p>Story relating to an event</p>


The delivery of 25 i-Macs took on a festive mood when the colourful collection arrived. No, it was not an early Christmas present from Apple but the arrival of the key part of the workstations that parents will be using in schools for the Millennium Awards Scheme that is now underway. The first 100 parents…

FirstFlight First on AP

The FirstFlight site, dedicated to the history and scientific study of flight, has once again leapt to the top of the charts. This time, aspects of the site are featured on the Associated Press ‘History of the 20th Century in Video’ site. Because of the design of AP’s own user interface, you need to click…

Construction of UfI Observatory Begins

Yesterday saw the first public viewing of a number of web-based services, constructed collaboratively by KMI and IET’s International Centre for Distance Learning, which will form a significant part of the University for Industry’s National Observatory. By capturing, contextualising and semantically indexing best practice within EU funded ADAPT projects the observatory will provide a highly…

Macromedia European User Conference – UCON-99

The 24th and 25th June 99 saw the Newport Bay hotel in the Euro Disney Resort in Paris hosting the Macromedia European User Conference – UCON-99. There was a very large gallery of some hugely excellent multimedia and web projects from European Companies. Most of the folk there were from the average small (5-20 folk)…


Following the earlier announcement of a UKP 0.7million grant from the Millennium Commission, a newly formed Advisory Committee met for the first time today in the Knowledge Media Institute. The main tasks of the Committee are to oversee the Open University and the Living Archive Millennium Awards Scheme, provide advice on future developments, and advise…


A successful one-day workshop on ‘audio versions of learning materials for print-disabled students’ was held on the 28th January. It was attended by people with responsibilities for supporting disabled students in higher education institutions in the UK. This workshop provided an opportunity to disseminate the outcomes of the METG DREAM (Digitally Recorded Educational Audio Media)…

Published today: “Educational Authoring Tools and the Educational Object Economy”

A special issue of the Journal of Interactive Media in Education (JIME) is published today focusing on Educational Authoring Tools & The Educational Object Economy This issue reports the work of the East/West Group, a research consortium of US publishers, universities and educational software companies. It addresses concerns ranging from multimedia authoring tools for educational…

Knowledge Web book launch

The Knowledge Web: Learning and Collaborating on the Net is the first major book describing a significant portion of KMi’s research in one volume. The book, published this week by Kogan Page, was edited by Marc Eisenstadt and Tom Vincent, and includes contributions from 23 authors, mostly working in or directly affiliated with the Knowledge…

Clayton Lewis reports school science model-building experiments

Model building by adult scientists is richly rewarding intellectually. Can the intellectual benefits be reaped by young children who build animated computer models as part of their science study? This was the opening question posed by Prof. Clayton Lewis, on research sabbatical in KMi from the University of Colorado Computer Science department, who presented a…

Alliance brings French Researcher to KMi

KMi is pleased to have Jean-Christophe Beaud visiting the D3E group for the month of August. Jean-Christophe is a graduate student at the Centre for Research in Cognitive Psychology ( CREPCO) at the University of Provence, France. Jean-Christophe is visiting KMi as part of an Alliance funded project awarded to Dr. Tamara Sumner of KMi,…