Event Participation/Organization

<p>Story relating to an event</p>

Keynote: Our Learning Analytics are Our Pedagogy

Learning Analytics embody assessment regimes: which ones do we need for the future of learning? The replay from my keynote address to the Expanding Horizons 2020 conference at Macquarie University is now up. I gave an overview of how the field is developing at macro, meso and micro scales, and then later on make a…

SoLAR Storm: distributed lab for Learning Analytics PhDs

As the field of Learning Analytics develops, there is an urgent need to equip a new generation of educational researchers and data scientists. SoLAR Storm is an online research lab to connect PhD students and supervisors globally. A widely cited report by McKinsey Global Institute identifies a huge global skills gap:  people who can combine…

Learning Analytics Summer Institute, Stanford

We’ve just announced what should be a field-defining event for Learning Analytics: a summer institute bringing together 100 participants at Stanford University in July 2013, with satellite Institutes running globally. Learning Analytics as both a research topic and emerging marketplace has recently garnered the attention of faculty, educational researchers and administrators, policy makers, data scientists…

Taking Education to the Cloud!

The 1st International Workshop on Cloud Education Environments (WCLOUD 2012) took place in Antigua, Guatemala on November 15-16. The event was organised by Rocael Hernandez Rizzardini (Galileo University, Guatemala), Hans-Christian Schmitz (Fraunhofer FIT, Germany), and Alexander Mikroyannidis (The Open University, UK). It was attended by approximately 50 participants. On the first day, 14 peer-reviewed papers…

Keynote at Galileo University

Alexander Mikroyannidis (The Open University) and Hans-Christian Schmitz (Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology) delivered a joint keynote talk on November 13 at Galileo University in Guatemala City. The talk initiated the 4th e-Learning Integral conference organised by the Research and Development Department GES of Galileo University. The e-Learning Integral conference is an annual event…

The Online Learning Debate: Guardian Event

The latest Guardian Sponsored online learning debate on "pedagogy, technology and opening up higher education", featured KMi Director – Prof Peter Scott and IET Director – Prof Josie Taylor discussing MOOCs and online learning with a number of eminent participants including Sir John Daniel (a past OU Vice Chancellor). The Sponsored Q&A session was run as…

First UK Flare for Society for Learning Analytics Research

On Monday the UK’s first SoLAR (Society for Learning Analytics Research) Flare was held at the OU’s Jennie Lee building, jointly organised by colleagues in KMi and IET, and JISC CETIS.  The Flare was an opportunity for a diverse set of stakeholders to meet up, discuss current activity in learning analytics research and practice, probe…

Strong KMi presence at EKAW 2012

The International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW) is a key event in Europe for the research communities in areas such as ontology engineering, the semantic web, knowledge discovery, knowledge acquisition, etc. KMi has a long history of contributions to the conference and, again this year, KMi had a strong presence.   Enrico Motta presented…

Big Educational Data Science

I was at Stanford University recently as a member of the Big Educational Data Science affinity group, charged with roadmapping the field of Learning Analytics. Convened by Prof. Roy Pea, and funded by the Gates Foundation and MacArthur Foundation, this group comprises a great mix of academics, education entrepreneurs, dot-coms, data science experts and technologists. A…