Event Participation/Organization

<p>Story relating to an event</p>

Stefan Rueger visits Moscow for ECIR

Stefan Rueger of KMi was invited on behalf of BCS Information Retrieval Specialist Group to visit the European Conference on Information Retrieval Research in March 2013 in his role as Programme co-chair and mentor in the conference’s doctoral consortium. ECIR is a strong going conference series under the umbrella of BCS and is now in…

Keynote: Learning in a Post Personal Computer World

Today, I had the pleasure of presenting a keynote opening talk for the eMadrid event running, you would not be surprised to learn, in Madrid, Spain as a guest of Caros III University. This event is run annually and is a coordination action to bring together the Universities of this huge city and have them…

iLearning for the iGeneration @ IAT Tech Conference, UAE

KMi Director, Professor Peter Scott spoke today to the Technological Education Conference (IAT TEC 2013) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. This event attracted more than 1000 educators not only from the UAE but also from different parts of the globe including the US, UK and GCC countries. For the first time since its launch in…

Strong OU Representation at LAK13, Leuven

Last week a group of KMI and OU colleagues attended the 3rd International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK13) in Leuven, Belgium. The conference theme this year was ‘Dialectics in Learning Analytics’ with three core facets: The Middle Space – in which learning, and analytics intersect Productive Multivocality – encouraging communities to come together…

Keynote at Future Classrooms 2013, Northern Ireland

Future Classrooms 2013 was held in Belfast ‘Titanic Centre’ on March 1st 2013. Professor Peter Scott from KMi gave a keynote talk on "What advice has tertiary education to offer to us teachers?" presenting some of the experience of new technologies in mobile and ubiquitous learning from the OU perspective. The conference was Northern Ireland’s…

Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing CSCW 2013 – San Antonio, Texas

I recently returned from Texas, San Antonio where I was in attendance at the 16th ACM Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) conference. While there I gave Two workshop papers: W8: Collaborative Information Seeking: Tracking Epistemic Beliefs and Sensemaking in Collaborative Information Retrieval, Knight, Buckingham Shum and Littleton (2013) W10: CSCW and education: Collaborative Sensemaking in…

CORE at the World Summit on the Information Society review organised by UNESCO

The first multi-stakeholder review of the achievements of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS+10) entitled "Towards Knowledge Societies for Peace and Sustainable Development” was hosted by UNESCO in Paris from 25 to 27 February 2013. The event attracted about 1000 participants from around the world; about 1500 additional people participated on-line. Zdenek Zdrahal…

Linked Data at the Basis of Academic Community Understanding and Management

Vivo (http://vivoweb.org/) is a platform for universities and academic institutions in general to manage and share their research outputs, communities and network. It is also one of the growing number of systems and tools that employ the principles and technology of linked data in an academic context. KMi’s Mathieu d’Aquin was invited in January to…

TELLME Valencia

The Valencia, Spain base of the furniture company AIDIMA, at their Instituto Tecnológico del Mueble, Madera, Embalaje y Afines was host to the third general meeting of the TELLME consortium this week. KMi Director, Prof. Peter Scott, joined the meeting to progress our work on this Collaborative project of the ICT Work Programme under the European…

The 2nd International Workshop on Cloud Education Environments

Building on the success of the 1st International Workshop on Cloud Education Environments (WCLOUD 2012) which took place in Antigua, Guatemala, WCLOUD 2013 will take place in Aachen, Germany on May 6-8. The workshop is a shared event between the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU) and the 3rd International Conference on Cloud…