Designing Systemic Analytics at the Open University

The OU’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor Learning & Teaching, Prof. Belinda Tynan, gave a joint webinar today with KMi’s Simon Buckingham Shum (Prof. Learning Informatics) on Designing Systemic Analytics at the Open University.

This formed part of the online open course Strategy & Policy for Systemic Learning Analytics, organised by the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR). Thanks to the Australian Office for Learning and Technology for sponsoring this, and to George Siemens for convening.

Replay (launches Blackboard Collaborate)

Designing Systemic Learning Analytics at the Open University from Simon Buckingham Shum

Abstract: The OU has been analysing student data and feeding this back to faculties since its doors opened 40 years ago. However, the emergence of learning analytics technologies open new possibilities for engaging in more effective sensemaking of richer learner data, and more timely interventions. We will introduce the framework we are developing to orchestrate the rollout of a systemic organisational analytics infrastructure (both human and technical), and discuss some of the issues that arise. We will also describe how strategic research efforts will key into this design, should they prove effective.



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