
<p>Story relating to an award</p>

Victoria is a Star!

Last week a plenary meeting of the X-media consortium was held in Orbassano, near Turin, at Centro Ricerche Fiat (CRF). X-Media is a 13M Euros EC-sponsored Integrated Project, which focuses on developing methods and tools for effectively acquiring, integrating, and managing information extracted from different media. KMi plays a key role in the project, contributing…

New EPSRC grant awarded

Dr. Dawei Song of the KMi has been awarded his second EPSRC grant of the year, an overseas travel grant of £16,459 for ‘Dimensionality Reduction for Efficient Similarity Search in High Dimensional Spaces’, 1/2007-3/2007. This grant will allow Dr. Song to visit his long-term collaborators at the University of Queensland and Queensland University of Technology,…

KMi Semantic GIS System wins Scripting Challenge at ESWC 2006

KMi Semantic GIS system won the Scripting Challenge at the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2006). The system was created by Vlad Tanasescu, Alessio Gugliotta and John Domingue in collaboration with partners at Essex County Council and BT Research Labs in Martlesham and supports council planners dealing with severe weather emergencies. Using KMi’s semantic web…

KMi Awarded a New EPSRC Grant

Dr. Dawei Song of the Knowledge Media Institute has received a new research grant from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). It consolidates KMi’s position as a growing international research center in information retrieval. The award was recently announced following an EPSRC&#39s Computer Science (Tech) panel meeting held on 23rd May. The success…

KMi Researchers Win IBM UIMA Innovation Award

Dr. Dawei Song and Dr. Jianhan Zhu have been selected to receive a 2006 IBM UIMA (Unstructured Information Management Framework) Innovation Award for $19,000 USD. The UIMA Innovation Award has been designed to encourage the use of open source and open standards-based tools for academic curricula and research, and the use of UIMA to support…

Lorenzo Summits Everest

Italian Lorenzo Gariano summited Everest on the morning of 21st May, but the achievement has been severely dented by the loss of two members of the team. Climbing again with experienced Russian Alex Abramov and Dutchman Harry Kikstra, the teams travelled through war-torn Kathmandu on their way to Base Camp in Tibet for a North…

DARPA Best Paper Prize awarded to KMi Researcher

Roxana Belecheanu a Research Fellow in KMi has just accepted the "Best Industrial and Applied Paper" award from DARPA. The award was given to Roxana for her paper "Commercial Applications of Agents: Lessons, Experiences and Challenges" presented at the Fifth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS06) in Hakodate, Japan. Co-written with her…

KMi awarded 4M for Semantic Web Research

Professor Enrico Motta and Dr John Domingue of the Knowledge Media Institute have received a set of record-breaking awards totaling �4m from the European Commission’s Framework 6 Information Society Technologies (IST) programme. This is the largest ever combined award obtained by KMi associated with a single funding programme. The awards include three Integrated Projects (IPs)…

Marta is one of "AI Ten to Watch"

Marta Sabou, who joined KMi last November, has been chosen as one of the top ten young AI researchers in the world, to be included in a “AI Ten to Watch” article, which will be featured in a special issue of IEEE Intelligent Systems, one of the top magazines in Artificial Intelligence (AI). The publication…

Kids Making The News with Competition Awards

Today saw the presentation of awards for the first Making The News competition at London&#39s Olympia. The awards were presented by Robin Cousins MBE, Olympic Gold medalist in 1980 and part of the London Olympic Team for 2012, for which easynet are official sponsors. Photo shows pupils from Mayhill Junior School (part of the South…