Peter Scott

A KMi Video Wall ?

Come NOW to Peter Scott&#39s office and ask for a webcam. I have bought a bunch (first come first serve) and will buy more if there is a queue!!! The cameras I have are cheap USB PC only jobs – no mike – so this reduces the queue slightly? Heck, these things only cost 12.50…

The Big Draw 2003

Had a long discussion with a bunch of Technology faculty folks today. I really want to UP our connex with these peeps in 2004 – they currently use Rostra (but not much); so I want them to be 1st adopter flashmeeting folks; and to use XO more! So, we are going to be supporting a…

Danish Association for Flexible Learning Visits the OU

On September 11th, KMi were host to 45 representatives from the Danish Association for Flexible Learning who were on a three day tour of the UK. The group had expressed a particular in interest in e-learning. The OU has a growing number of students in Denmark and delegates heard presentations from Judith Margolis & Mike…

Virtual Coffee Room Now Open!

So … back in August we suggested you try out our new experimental office. Which we have called Hex (for obvious reasons). Now, the KMi virtual office has a voice enabled virtual coffee room. You go to coffee by dragging your hex into the room. It drops where you place it in that space, and…

Chat with Guardian Education

Had a short interview with Jack Schofield just now (Technology Ed. Guardian). He is doing an Education piece on higher education 2033. I said I wouldnt speculate that far ahead – 5 years max. for the sensible window! However, I chatted about some of the interesting things we are doing – esp the emphasis on…

Meeting to discuss KMi semantic portal

Enrico, John, Peter, Jon and Chris in the Masterclass area. We will be looking at RDF semantic feed from KMi databased and their integration with a new client (probably Flash). Adding services like *make a flash-meeting* seem pretty neat ideas.

Welcome back to your office …

You walk up to your computer and it says “Hi Peter”, unlocks the screen saver and lets you in. When you leave it, on comes the screensaver and the lock until your return. How cool is that? Well if you have a bluetooth phone, like the Sony Ericsson T68i and a neat piece of shareware…

A Virtual Office for KMi

Hexagon Virtual Office is the code name of a new proof-of-concept exploring the dimension which runs between presence and telepresence systems. In one model of this the CNM team have prototyped a virtual office concept for interested KMi users to explore. You will need a camera, mic and flash 6+ plugged into your browser (it…

A Virtual Office for KMi

Hexagon Virtual Office is the code name of a new proof-of-concept exploring the dimension which runs between presence and telepresence systems. In one model of this the CNM team have prototyped a virtual office concept for interested KMi users to explore. You will need a camera, mic and flash 6+ plugged into your browser (it…

BBC Digilab visit to KMi today

John Howard, Alison Hunter and Gordon McMullan from the BBC Digilab are visiting today. They are a small team in the BBC that looks at technology to help the BBC&#39s staff share knowledge and communicate more effectively. They do this by bringing communities of practice together – both virtually and in real life – to…