Technology: Internet Reasoning Service (IRS)

<p>KMi’s Semantic Web Services framework</p>

DIP Review an Overwhelming Success

DIP is a 3-year 11 million UKP EU Integrated Project, on semantic web services, involving 16 partners from 10 countries. Like most EU projects DIP is subject to a two day annual review involving three external reviewers and a project officer from the funding unit. DIP’s second annual review was held last week in the…

First AKT Sponsored Workshop on Semantic Web Services

Yesterday saw 60 researchers from academia and industry come to KMi for the first AKT sponsored workshop on semantic web services. The purpose of the one day workshop was to bring together relevant members of the AKT project and the wider research community associated with semantic web services. Web services are reusable program components which…

Deputy Director Appointed Head of EU Integrated Project on Semantic Web Services

Last week saw the DIP Executive Management Board confirm KMi’s Deputy Director, John Domingue, as the project’s Scientific Director. In this role as head of the project he will be supported by the project’s previous head Christoph Bussler and the project manager Sigurd Harand, both from the Digital Enterprise Research Institute in Galway, Ireland. DIP…

Bulgaria, Germany, Japan: The IRS-III Tour Continues

The first week in November will see KMi�s Semantic Web Services infrastructure, IRS-III, presented for the third time as part of a tutorial. Previous tutorials were held in conjunction with the AIMSA (Artificial Intelligence, Methods, Systems and Applications) conference in Varna, Bulgaria, and in conjunction with the NetObjectDays conference in Erfurt, Germany. In these full-day…

Interoperability of Major Semantic Web Service Platforms

Over the last few days visitors from a team based at the Digital Enterprise Research Institute located in Galway and Innsbruck have been working on making their semantic web services platform, WSMX, interoperate with KMi’s Internet Reasoning Service (IRS). Today they completed their work so that each platform is now able to invoke semantic web…

Audience demands Magpie replay at International Semantic Web Conference

Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services are clearly two very hot topic areas. The very successful International Semantic Web Conference – ISWC 2003, which was held this month in Sanibel Island, Florida, saw the number of participants reaching 450 people, double the number of the previous year. Clearly these folks longed for listening to Jim…

Success at Semantic Web conferences

Two out of two – and make it double. This could be an appropriate headline for a recent success of KMi researchers, who secured two accepted papers out of two submissions to two prestigious conferences: International Semantic Web and Knowledge Capture. Both events will take place this October, in Florida, US. The International Semantic Web…

A for AKT

Last week saw the midterm review for the EPSRC funded Advanced Knowledge Technologies (AKT) project at the University of Southampton. Overall the review went extremely well. In his summing up the review, panel chair Professor James Hendler said “if I could give you a grade it would be an “A” and pointed out that many…

First Summer School on Ontological Engineering and the Semantic Web

The First European Summer School on Ontological Engineering and the Semantic Web (SSSW-2003) took place on 21-26 July in Cercedilla (Spain). The event was the first opportunity anywhere in the world for postgraduate students to equip themselves with the range of theoretical and practical skills necessary for full engagement with the challenges involved in developing…