Technology: Blockchain

<p>The reach of blockchain technology will expand into the education sector.</p>

KMi is hiring! join our Institute of Coding Team

    KMi are currently looking to fill a number of posts to work in the Open University’s Institute of Coding team, comprising academics and technology specialists in learning analytics and distributed ledger technologies. These are:      Systems and Network Administrator supporting IoC infrastructure  Research Assistant / Associate for Blockchain Learning Verification   Research Assistant / Associate for Mainstreaming Learning Analytics    Why…

OU to play lead role in new Institute of Coding

The Open University (OU) has been announced as a major partner in the UK’s Institute of Coding. Led by the University of Bath, the world-leading consortium has been established to strengthen the UK’s position globally in computing and IT, address the UK digital skills gap and create opportunities for more computer science graduates. Funding is comprised…

OU case study featured in EU Policy Report: Blockchain in Education

An interview with KMi Director John Domingue about KMi’s blockchain research at Open University is one of four use case studies featured in a new EU Policy Report: Blockchain in Education.  The Report exemplifies where the Blockchain is being deployed with an education context, and its potential for disruption in the education sector. Other case studies are…

1st Workshop on Linked Data and Distributed Ledgers @ WWW

The first workshop on Linked Data and Distributed Ledgers which was recently held at the World Wide Web (WWW) conference in Perth, Australia attracted a lively audience who came to discuss the relationship two fields. Linked Data research has a long pedigree at WWW whereas Distributed Ledgers (which include blockchains the technological underpinning of crypto-currencies…

KMi blockchain technology featured in Times Higher Education

The Times Higher Education has published an article by Martin Hall, former vice-chancellor of the University of Salford, which considers how Web 3.0 could revolutionise the way higher education is delivered.  In the article, our Director, John Domingue, explains to Martin why KMi’s “student first” vision for blockchain-enabled provision is good news for those needing…

Buy Bitcoins Now!

“Buy Bitcoins Now!” was one of the main messages from Chandler Guo – who owns one of the world’s largest Bitcoin mines – in the recent Internet of Value workshop held at Clare Hall at the University of Cambridge. The event focused on how blockchains can be used to support the transfer of non-financial value….

Beyond Learning Analytics

Data is now seen in many sectors as a platform for the provision of operational services. For example, only recently Admiral announced that they would price car insurance based on Facebook post data. Within UK Higher Education sector through learning analytics – the application of data analytics to student data – is beginning to have…

ePIC 2016

the 14th conference on ePortfolios, Open Badges, Personal Ledgers, Identities, Trust, Blockchains… Bologna 26-27-28 October 2016 Bologna is home to the oldest university in the world, founded in 1088, so it was a fitting place for the Open Badge and ePortfolio communities to come together and discuss the future of Open Badges and “to think deeply about…

KMi’s Blockchain Group visits JISC

All members of KMi’s blockchain group visited Jisc’s London offices yesterday for a workshop on the use of blockchain technology in higher education, specifically in tracking a student’s learning history. After a presentation by department director John Domingue, demonstrations of some of our research ‘Ðapps‘ were given by Michelle Bachler (reputation), Kevin Quick (course registration)…

Blockchains: visions from Shanghai

The recently held International Blockchain week in Shanghai was jointly hosted by the Ethereum Foundation and Wanxiang Blockchain Labs. The event consisted of a unique three-segment format. The first three days saw the Ethereum DevCon2 where major developers of the Ethereum community showcased the most up-to-date research and development work. This was followed by a Demo…