Technology: Blockchain

<p>The reach of blockchain technology will expand into the education sector.</p>

Blockchain Travels

The last few weeks has seen the KMi Director travel to give Keynotes, participate in panels and project meetings all related to KMi’s blockchain work. At the end of April there the Blockchain Expo took place at the Olympia Grand in London with over 8,000. John Domingue gave a Keynote on applying blockchains to lifelong…

KMI Director awarded Fellowship of the British Blockchain Association

Earlier this week the KMi Director, John Domingue, was awarded a Fellowship of the British Blockchain Association. As stated on the British Blockchain Association website an award of the Fellowship is “recognition of exceptional achievement and contribution to Blockchain research and allied disciplines”. Additionally, recognition through a Fellowship demonstrates a “commitment to excellence, leadership, advancing…

KMi at first Japanese Government Run Blockchain Hackathon

KMi was invited to give a presentation and run a workshop at the first Japanese Government run blockchain hackathon which happened in February in Tokyo. It was sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and tickets where by application only and limited due to the venue size. There were about 98 participants…

KMi Blockchain research showcased at the IEEE FIE 2018

The 48th IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) conference took place on October 3-6 in San Jose, California, USA. FIE is a major international conference sponsored by the IEEE Education Society and the IEEE Computer Society. It is an ideal forum for sharing ideas, learning about the latest developments and interacting with colleagues in the fields…

KMi Director gives Royal Institution Lecture

Monday say KMi’s Director give a talk entitled “Blockchains: Hope or Hype?” at the Royal Institution sponsored by the French Embassy. The Royal Institution is an independent charity, founded in 1799, dedicated to connecting people with the world of science. The lecture was conducted in the famous Royal Institution theatre where some of the most…

Webinar on SlideWiki’s Open Education Trials and the Semantic Blockchain

On August 14th, the SlideWiki project organised a webinar, which was delivered by Alexandra Garatzogianni (L3S Research Center, LUH), Alexander Mikroyannidis (The Open University, UK) and Allan Third (The Open University, UK). In the first part of this webinar, Alexandra presented the H2020 SlideWiki project and its OpenCourseWare (OCW) competition. Alexander then presented SlideWiki’s open…

QualiChain H2020 project funded

QualiChain – Decentralised Qualification Verification and Management for Learner Empowerment, Education Reengineering and Public Sector Transformation   The QualiChain project, involving KMi’s Blockchain, Knowledge and Learning group, has been successfully funded under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme.  QualiChain targets the creation, piloting and evaluation of a decentralised platform for storing, sharing and verifying education…

KMi Blockchain research presented in EdMedia 2018

Alexander Mikroyannidis presented the latest KMi work on educational applications of the Blockchain at the World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (EdMedia). The event was held in Amsterdam on June 25-29. Alexander presented a paper outlining a learner-centred approach for lifelong learning powered by the Blockchain. The paper explores the different aspects of lifelong learning…

Institute of Coding Launches from the House of Lords

A pleasant and warm evening saw the Institute of Coding (IoC) from the House of Lords. The event, hosted by Baroness McGregor-Smith CBE, was attended by over 200 supporters from the senior management of major technology companies such as Amazon, ARM, BT, Cisco, IBM, Oracle, Raspberry Pi, Telefonica, a wide range of companies including Barclays,…

Two Blockchain Keynotes in Two Weeks

KMi Director, Prof. John Domingue, was invited to give two keynote talks during May 2018 featuring the blockchain research that he is leading at the Open University. The first talk, “Experiments with Blockchains. The Open University and the emergence of new higher education models” was given at second Conference by the Commonwealth Centre for Connected…