Project: OU Analyse

<p>The OU Analyse project is piloting new machine learning based methods for early identification of students who are at risk of failing.</p>

KMi Showcased at the OU’s STEM Faculty Official Launch

Yesterday saw the official launch of the OU’s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) Faculty which KMi joined from 1 August. KMi had a stand at the showcase as part of a celebration of some of the researching and teaching that is undertaken by the faculty.   KMi’s stand included some of our projects focussed…

European Data Forum a Great Success

The 2016 European Data Forum (EDF) which took place last week was a great success. This event which was setup by the European Commission supported by STI International and a number of prominent European researchers in 2012 has grown from under 200 participants to over 1000 registrations at this year’s event. EDF brings together key…

OU Analyse @ LAK2016

As part of this year Learning Analytics and Knowledge(LAK16) conference in Edinburgh, the OU Analyse team from KMi organised The Data Literacy for Learning Analytics Workshop. The organisation of this workshop was motivated by the success of the Machine Analytics workshop at LAK14 in Indianapolis.   The workshop ran the whole day on April 26th 2016 and…

KMi Director Quoted in the Guardian Today

Following input into a report compiled by the Higher Education Commission, From Bricks to Clicks: The Potential of Data and Analytics in Higher Education Prof John Domingue spoke to the Guardian about how comprehensive use of learning analytics could transform the sector. John will also attend the launch event at the House of Lords at…

Transforming Europe towards the Digital Age

This week saw a premier European event “Transforming Europe towards the Digital Age” held in Luxembourg. This event addressed with the digital skills gap which will grow from 335,000 to 825,000 unfilled positions in areas related to ICT by 2020.   The event was opened by the Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel, Jean-Luc Martino…

OULAD – Open Data for Learning Analytics released

The OUAnalyse team led by Prof. Zdenek Zdrahal has recently released the Open University Learning Analytics dataset (OULAD). This educational dataset is available under the CC-BY 4.0 license for everybody who wants to experiment with new ideas in Learning Analytics. The uniqueness of the dataset lies mainly in the richness of data describing student behaviour…

Student Analytics mentioned on BBC

On Tuesday 28 July the BBC posted a news story about how students at the OU are going to have their progress monitored by software to spot if they need any extra support. This related to Zdenek Zdrahal’s project – OU Analyse. KMi’s new Director, John Domingue and Ruth Tudor, President of The Open University’s Students’…

KMi technologies feature in the FT

The Financial Times published an article at the weekend on how universities, including The Open University, are using student data to predict academic performance. Our former Director, Peter Scott, introduced journalist, Helen Warrell  to OU Analyse, a project led by Zdenek Zdrahal (see photo). The data collected by the technology created by Zdenek’s team includes how…