KMi Projects Showcased at LAF2016 as part of OU Charter Day Celebrations

KMi joined the celebrations of the OU’s Charter Day by being one of the chosen stands at the Learn About Fair (LAF) yesterday. In line with the fair’s theme ‘Innovation in Teaching and Learning: Putting Students First’ we showcased a selection of projects as part of our stand KMi:Future Technologies for Learning. These included:
OU Analyse – identifying students that are at risk of failure;
Blockchain – early experiments in placing Open Learn badges onto a blockchain.
Stadium Live – embedding interactivity within live webcasts in modules; also check out our latest KMi Review Newsletter which features this work.
and GreenData – capturing and sharing renewable energy generation data to allow OU students and courses to query data in a wide variety of ways.    
In addition, Paul Hogan demoed a mobile and virtual reality application that was developed especially for the event using the LAF2016 logo to give a taster of the sort of developments we do here in the lab. Many people at the fair including our Vice Chancellor, Peter Horrocks experienced and explored the virtual reality world.
To download this app or see other mobile applications developed by KMi click here

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