Project: AKT

<p>Advanced Knowledge Technologies</p>

KMi at AKT workshop (9-10th Oct.)

KMi technologies have again played a key role within the UK&#39s flagship EPSRC-funded Advanced Knowledge Technologies (AKT) project. During 9-11th Oct. Dnyanesh Rajpathak, Enrico Motta, and Tom Heath attended an AKT project workshop at Southampton University. It was one of the more exciting workshops we&#39ve had, mainly from the technology demonstration point of view. Dnyanesh…

KMi Students at the 2nd AKT Doctoral Symposium

PhD students from KMi took part this week in the 2nd AKT Doctoral Symposium, held at the University of Aberdeen. The event was entirely organised by students from the EPSRC-funded AKT project, providing an opportunity to present doctoral work to a public audience and gain experience of the peer review process. KMi student Vlad Tanasescu&#39s…

AKT Group Meeting 2005

Members and students, from five universities from around the UK, gathered in KMi for their annual AKT project meeting 14-16th June 2005. The AKT project aims to develop the next generation of knowledge technologies to support organizational knowledge management.

Memetic Project: JISC Funds CoAKTinG-AccessGrid Integration

The GRID is the emerging next generation infrastructure for researchers. The AccessGrid is the GRID’s video conferencing and collaboration environment. Recognising the success of the CoAKTinG e-Science project, specifically the work with NASA on e-science tools for Earth-Mars scientific collaboration, JISC has funded KMi with a 21 month follow-on project under their Virtual Research Environments…

First AKT Sponsored Workshop on Semantic Web Services

Yesterday saw 60 researchers from academia and industry come to KMi for the first AKT sponsored workshop on semantic web services. The purpose of the one day workshop was to bring together relevant members of the AKT project and the wider research community associated with semantic web services. Web services are reusable program components which…

Bulgaria, Germany, Japan: The IRS-III Tour Continues

The first week in November will see KMi�s Semantic Web Services infrastructure, IRS-III, presented for the third time as part of a tutorial. Previous tutorials were held in conjunction with the AIMSA (Artificial Intelligence, Methods, Systems and Applications) conference in Varna, Bulgaria, and in conjunction with the NetObjectDays conference in Erfurt, Germany. In these full-day…

A for AKT

Last week saw the midterm review for the EPSRC funded Advanced Knowledge Technologies (AKT) project at the University of Southampton. Overall the review went extremely well. In his summing up the review, panel chair Professor James Hendler said “if I could give you a grade it would be an “A” and pointed out that many…

MnM Released

The first version of MnM is now available for download at MnM supports the process of annotating web pages with semantic content, to create a semantic web. The tool provides a number of innnovative features, including both automated and semi-automated support for annotation. It integrates a web browser with an ontology editor and provides…

AKT Project Gathering

The AKT project is an Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration funded by the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. Its six-year, multi-million pound programme brings together internationally-recognised research groups from the Universities of Southampton, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Sheffield and the Open University under the directorship of Professor Nigel Shadbolt, to develop and extend a range of technologies…

Re:AKT spreads the word

Hot off the press, the Re:AKT newsletter is spreading the word about the AKT project – describing its goals and ambitions, results and achievements, and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. KMi are a member of the AKT consortium together with the Universities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Sheffield, and Southampton. Funded by the EPSRC, the…