Person: Peter Scott

<p>Peter Scott</p>

A case for support (Development office)

Herewith a para contribution for the OU development office on the subject of eLearning from me… —- The Open University is a Virtual University. All modern universities are now keen to exploit the virtual and the online: seeking to understand the impact of the virtual learning experience; to explore how new technology can reach into…

A case for support (Development office)

Herewith a para contribution for the OU development office on the subject of eLearning from me… —- The Open University is a Virtual University. All modern universities are now keen to exploit the virtual and the online: seeking to understand the impact of the virtual learning experience; to explore how new technology can reach into…

Potential EU Tacis project

Interesting phone converstation Rick Flint [] Lead passed on by ( Cheryl Beasley at the Brussels regional centre. Rick is working for East West Consulting as a business development manager, with a particular focus on projects in the Tacis countries. He is interested in applying for the e-societies project in the South Causasus and has,…

Flagging up a BNFL visit

A party of 8 from BNFL will be coming to a workshop on 6th May. The visit is hosted by Corous, and will involve a KMi new technologies and semantic web slot. They are pretty much entirely ftf trainers and Corous is hoping to get them to change that…

TeLearn Consultation Meeting

Interesting bunch of folks gathered together to tell Pat Manson and her team in the Technology-enhanced learning: cultural heritage Unit at the European Commission about what should be the funding priorities for the next phase (pre–7) of funding. N. Balacheff (from the French MediaLab at Grenoble; tied up just the minute with trying to get…

Flashmeeting Service launched for Milton Keynes Schools

Today KMi has launched a web based videoconferencing solution for all Milton Keynes schools under the auspices of MKSchools.Net. Hosted on their own network and based on the CNM Flashmeeting Server the new service is available to all of the 90 Schools in the Milton Keynes area. The MK Schools.Net team, based at the Open…

Bernie Rickinson (Institute of Materials)

Bernie Rickinson (Institute of Materials) visited today with Mike Fitzpatrick and Nigel Pigott. Gave him a demo of a few fun things like hex and buddyspace + stadium + magpie etc. He was very interested in the Bletchley park stuff with mobile phones. We are looking into joint stuff we can do to access the…

Bernie Rickinson (Institute of Materials)

Bernie Rickinson (Institute of Materials) visited today with Mike Fitzpatrick and Nigel Pigott. Gave him a demo of a few fun things like hex and buddyspace + stadium + magpie etc. He was very interested in the Bletchley park stuff with mobile phones. We are looking into joint stuff we can do to access the…

Shell Visitor – Adam and Janni Lomas

Up here to sign an OU memorandum of agreement (basically saying that Shell folks can buy OU courses as part of their Shell learning budgets); Adam and Janni came to KMi to see me and then went to see Iain Gilmour (Earth Sci)and John Oates (FELS). Janni was very engaged with the Schools stuff we…