TeLearn Consultation Meeting

Interesting bunch of folks gathered together to tell Pat Manson and her team in the Technology-enhanced learning: cultural heritage Unit at the European Commission about what should be the funding priorities for the next phase (pre–7) of funding.

N. Balacheff (from the French MediaLab at Grenoble; tied up just the minute with trying to get kaleidescope off the ground); J. Cook (John is an ALT chappie from London Met); P. Dillenbourg (Pierre is a very sharp French Swiss bloke from EPFL in Lausanne – he would have really liked Marc&#39s Elearning is dead piece); P. Henderikx (Piet is an EADTU fellow who is keen to see more OU at the distance universities sessions – he asked to join Prolearn – neat); R. Klamma, M Wolpers (Ralf and Martin are part of the Prolearn team – wolfgang managed to get quite a few of us on the menu); B. Lindstroem (Berner is a Swede from Gothenburg); L. Montandon (Lydia was Sema in Spain until it renamed itself to Atos Origin); S. Salerno (Thoughtful italian with the same name as his Uni); M. Selinger (Michelle presented a business view from Cisco); C. Strohecker (Carol had some off-the-wall perspectives from Medialab Dublin); K. Tochtermann (thoughtful Austrian chap with a good business perspective); G. Ubachs (Dutch OU chap – Georges didnt say much – deferred to Piet; gave us good press); S. Vosniadou (Stella was a sharp Greek from Athens -keen on changing practices for assessment and accred).

Raised our profile in this group and at the EU. Our stuff is very cool, and much of the time my bullshit detector was off the chart… Overall, a very successful visit.

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