Potential EU Tacis project

Interesting phone converstation Rick Flint [mailto:rick.flint@skynet.be] Lead passed on by (c.beasley@open.ac.uk) Cheryl Beasley at the Brussels regional centre.

Rick is working for East West Consulting as a business development manager, with a particular focus on projects in the Tacis countries. He is interested in applying for the e-societies project in the South Causasus and has, so far, formed a partnership between EWC and SchlumbergerSema Belgium.

Contract description

This project aims to assist in accelerating reform and modernization of the economies in the Southern Caucasus countries through the use of Information Society technologies and tools.

Main components:

– Identification, adaptation and implementation of pilot regional projects to ensure mutual know-how exchanges, notably on best practices in the fields of e-Governance, e-society, as well as e-learning and e-Education.
– Development and joint approval of regional strategy principles based on National Strategies. Establishment of a mechanism of joint coordination/update of e-Caucasus strategy and follow-up applications.
– Linking e-Caucasus with e-Europe and the elaboration of future action plan.

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